Chapter 6

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Lucien Pov

He was gone. He means Eden. It was not the first time but the second.

Karma hits and not gently but quite hardly.

The words came out of my mouth that time and I had no thoughts about it. Now because of that I am paying the price. You may be wondering well I do not even know where he is. He disappeared again. Last, he technically ran, and we could easily follow him but this time it was as if he were never here in the first place.

The only trace that he was there was his scent that was still in the area but by the looks of it he could be miles away by now.

We can still tack him because his scent is still here but by the looks of it, he went in the worst possible direction. Why did I have to decide to hate every single pack in the world?

He went through the red claw pack. Not exactly but he was sure close between two borders.

Life is so frustrating. I am the one who makes it unbearably annoying so I should understand but I could not. My decisions just really had to have the worst effect that could have happened. It was not what I was aiming for at all and that was fine. No, no it was not.

I got my betas to wake up and they just all looked at me as if they wanted to kill me in the most painful way they could. It was all because I woke them up from their "hibernation," but they are not bears for god's sake.

We decided to try and go through red claw peacefully and if we were not allowed, we would just have to run around the border and that would take a lot of time.

How did Eden even get up without making any of us up?

I sent all of them back to the pack house and was waiting for Alex to come back from the pack house because I needed at least one of my betas to watch the pack while I go on a little hunt to catch my little mate.

I know I messed up and I know it was not just a small spill but a tsunami. Is it not rude for him to leave me stranded not knowing what to do? I mean we still have the mate bond. I hope we can rekindle that.

At this point, it might break and that will never be able to change. If it breaks that means I would only have my second chance mate and that is not as special as your first mate. Life is frustrating and this just brought it to another level.

When Eden comes back with me to the pack house, I will treat him as best as I can and above even that.

First, I must find him.

As soon as Alex came, we started running and soon arrived at the border and our not-so-friendly neighboring pack. We came to a stop at the border. We had either two choices, it was either go through this pack peacefully or forcibly. Technically three but I do not want to run that far.

"You are the one who messed up you will take the consequences," Zephyr said to me in my head which was the first time he had done so since I ran my mouth off and rejected Eden.

Border control was already there so Alex was trying to explain the situation while I was being the incompetent individual I am.

"I apologize but at this time we are not able to let you inside our borders." One of them said. I guess that leaves two of the options left. Forcibly going through but that might cause a war between our packs. I do not need a war right now. I am too old for that. The last choice was to run around the edge of the borders.

His scent suddenly hit me, and it was even more intoxicating than the first time. It was like the first time but even more mesmerizing than the original. Zephyr started to whimper, and I was getting anxious, so I ran. I followed the scent as fast as I could fearing it would vanish as fast as it came. I howled as loud as I could handle.

Alex was on my heels, and I was now running on pure adrenaline. Zephyr, my wolf, knew we were getting closer in seconds. This was taking longer than I wanted. If only I had not cut ties with the red claw pack this would have gone so much smoother. That did not really matter to me anymore because I had one goal and that was to get to Eden.

The scent became stronger and stronger until we arrived at a spot where it seemed to be the strongest. He had obviously been there for a while.

Zephyr started crying, being a big baby, which was not how he usually was. "He wouldn't be gone in the first place if you did not reject him!" He growled back in response to my remark. He then tried to take control which would mean he would have control of our actions. It was all just starting to give me a headache at this point. Sure, he may be my wolf, but he sure gives me migraines daily.

We began sprinting again and it went on for a solid twenty minutes. I saw that red fur that I have been wanting to see for the entire day. That wolf. My mate and the one I will cherish for the rest of my life.

I stopped right in my tracks when I saw this huge wolf right beside him. It was another alpha and a huge one at that. He was also the same shade of red as Eden that you could mistake for a relative.

This mystery wolf was slightly bigger than me and an alpha no less. He was experienced in the council.

Let a low growl escape my throat in a threatening way, both heads were turned to me. They were looking at me. I looked menacing or mentally unstable to them and either one was fine to me.

My Eden was cowering away nearly laying down on the ground. He was so small and was obviously malnourished now that I looked closely. I must have scared at him

The other wolf looked at me and then at Eden and the fact that he was looking at Eden pissed me off so much that I let out another subconscious growl.

"Hey, you stop being like that! You are scaring the poor kid." Alex's voice echoed through our private mind link.

"Honestly, he is right this time. It is very unattractive." This was a new one. Zephyr agreed with someone that was not himself for once.

I started to whine aloud subconsciously, and Eden just looked hurt remembering what I had said earlier.

"Now who is the crybaby?" Zephyr retorted to my comment earlier. I do not need these smart remarks right now. I am emotionally exhausted from this.

Eden started to walk towards me in an extremely cautious manner that hurt. It really hurt. Then again, I deserved it. I deserved everything that he is going to throw my way.

When he reached me, he lay down in submission baring his neck towards me. I started to scent him down all over again just like when I had first met him. Alex and the other wolf stared into my soul like I was a little kid who wanted a toy or something which made me angry.

"Get a room next time." Alex's wolf Fenris mind-linked me but I paid no attention.

All I wanted right now was Eden and his wolf's approval again so that our mate bond could come back and heal. It was partly working because he was purring loud like a cat. It was cute. 

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