The Village - Prologue

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The village was cold and quiet that night. The stagnant area could be compared to one frozen in time were it not for the activities arising from one of the two guard towers at the gates. As with every night in their quaint village, the towers would alternate every two hours to rest. To ensure that the guards in the opposite tower were alright there was a simple code put in place; turn the lights on, then off, then on again, and after repeating the process three times they could finally rest. This night was much like the others, the first tower woke up and turned on the lights, waiting for the second towers code. On, off, on. First cycle done. On, off, .................on. A bit slower than usual sure but nothing to worry about, second cycle done, just one more to go. On, off, and then nothing. Being worried after the abnormality in the code, tower one sent one of their best guys out to check on tower two. He quietly approached the door, feeling a sense of ease as he saw it was locked and there was no sign of forced entry. He made his way up the old stairs, thinking nothing of his carefree actions as the creaks wouldn't alert anyone since there was no intruder. He lightly chuckled to himself as he thought of how stupid he must have looked sneaking up to the door. After his short chuckle he made his way to the top of the tower where the lights were stored. He smiled as any worry was lifted off his shoulders seeing the back of his friend turned away. He haphazardly approached his friend, grinning ear to ear, and gripped the friend's shoulder turning him around. His happiness was short lived however, as the first thing he noticed upon turning his friend was the eyes, or lack therefore of, now just sunken in holes. The strangest thing however was the fact that there was no blood, even as he turned his head to look around the room seeing the bodies of all his friends, there was no blood. He tried his best to maintain his stance, knowing that this was no time to lose himself while there was danger afoot. He would avenge his fallen friends! He would get the promotion he'd been so desperately hoping for! He would go home and see his lovely wife and beautiful kids! He would-

The lights in tower two turned on, then off, then on. This quickly caught the attention of the guard manning the top of tower one, he paid close attention as it's protocol to repeat the original code in case of an accident. On, off, on. The guard smiled as he saw their best guard flipping the switch while the light was on. On, off, on. The guard froze in pure terror, he looked across the gap from the two towers to the other light room, seeing the forms of all the tower two guards "staring" at him, with their missing eyes and pale lifeless bodies. He then watched as the bodies fell to the ground, leaving just tower one's best guard "staring" him dead in the eyes, mouthing something that he just barely made out, "Behind You". This has got to be some kind of fucking joke right, thought the guard. However he didn't have anything to lose and would rather turn around anyway rather than look at that horrific sight. Turning around the sight he saw was no better, but that of the tower one guards in the same state as tower two. He started tearing up, understanding that there was no way out of this, whatever had done this to them had to be in the building... it could even be in the room. His eyes quickly darted around, but he calmed a bit seeing nothing besides the bodies in the room with him. That is until he leaned back in his chair to calm himself, seeing a flash of white with several eyes dart across it to the floor. He quickly bolted up, scrambling to grab his gun. However the beast made no move to attack, instead... talking? The beast was a white, humanoid creature with eyes covering its body, with a spine protruding out of its back. The beast had no discernible voice of its own, instead speaking with tower one's best guard's voice, "The others had seen many things, many a thing to add to my sight, I wonder, what have you done with your sight?". This was the last thing the guard would ever hear, as the beast rushed forward and it all faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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