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I resisted the urge to bang my head into the wall as I watched Reese fake flirt with a girl.

It's not fair. Seriously. I'm his boyfriend.

He's not even bi! He's full gay! I'm the BI ONE!

That fucker.

This is what I get for dating someone so attractive. I actually DO bang my head against the wall at that.

"You alright, Max?" Lisa, my best friend, asks me. She's concerned. I don't usually bang my head against walls without saying something.

But what do I say to her?

'Hey, Lisa! I'm dating Reese Quinn, the bad guy of the school! Yeah, the one that doesn't like being called a bad boy 'cause he thinks it's overused and breaks a lot of people's hearts? Yeah, that one! What'd you get on that math test for Williams?'

Yeah. So not happening.

I smile at Lisa, acting like everything is perfectly fine.

"Yeah," I smile wider. "I'm okay."

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