Chapter 2

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Authors' Note: Hey guys! Thank you so, so much for reading. We love ya'll :)
Just to clear things up, we don't own any characters or anything - all of this is thanks to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. Thank you all so much!


I saw her before she even walked through the door- Hermione. For the past few days I had waited for her return, whether or not I'd like to admit it. Although I consider myself a devoted worker, my eyes would always wander to the windows at the front of the shop, awaiting her next visit.

It was as I was re-stocking a shelf with our Defense line that I saw her, nearly knocking over half of the merchandise when I jumped. I did, however, manage to drop a few and rushed to pick them up. I was not fast enough, though, and before I knew it Hermione had rushed over to help me.

We both reached out to grab the last box, my hand landing abruptly on top of hers. I felt electricity run up my arm and all throughout my body, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. We looked up at each other. The world seemed to stop as we glanced into each other's eyes. My gaze fell quickly to her lips. She blushed, retrieving her hand and turning away. My hand rose instinctively to the back of my head, ruffling my hair slightly. She handed me the box and I put it back on the shelf. When I looked back to where she had been, she was already gone.

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