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"Hey hyung." The younger grinned whispering motioning them inside. Just as there was a loud cheer of, "You did it!" and "I did it!" cried out behind him.

"Don't mind sehun-ah. Moon-ah's been trying that same part forever now." Kai explained leading the 7 members furthering. The 7 noticed the two grinning males doing a "secret" handshake. One with silverish blue hair the other noticeably Oh sehun from EXO.

"Hyung! Hyung! You missed it!" The silver blue haired boy bounced happily brown eyes sparkling before widening at the newcomers.

"Ah sorry moon-ah I was letting in BTS." Kai smiled brightly trying to give the smallest courage.

"I uh It's ok hyung." Moon muttered shyly looking to the ground. The music was still playing in the background. RM was about to say something when their manager walked in sehun lowered the volume to the music.

"Ah I see you're on time and you are too moon." BTS looked over to their manager who was now addressing moon. The group noticed that all shyness was gone from moon. He seemed more mature and adultlike almost how jungkook got around important people.

"Did sehun tell you why BTS are here?" Manager asked the smaller.

"Yes sir. Sehun-hyung said BTS is going to observe my dancing. In hopes of becoming their trainee." Moon said back straight eyes hard.

"Correct BTS come stand over here please. Kai sehun to the side like always." The manager said watching as the 9 position themself.

"Moon take it away." Once everyone was in place moon took a breath to begin.

"Hello! I'm moon. Nice to meet you all. Today I will be performing suga-hyung's dance parts in idol." Bowing and explaining everything with a smile as sehun set up the music moon would need. Holding each of their eye contacts was hard since he looked up to these people for a long time.

Nodding to sehun moon was quick to get into position not knowing if his asthma was going to act up. Though as he danced he didn't expect to start singing along with suga's parts. Then again in his own defence he loved the song a lot. Closing his eyes made things a little easier he's memorized the dance and lyrics.

As moon danced j-hope whispered into RM's ear. "His eyes are closed but he hasn't made a mistake at all. I've seen many people close their eyes while dancing but there's always one slip up."

The main dancer was fascinated with how moon could dance with his eyes closed. While jimin recognized the small male tugging jin's shirt. "Hyung it's the boy kai was talking about!" Jimin whispered softly eye wide watching the younger.

"Are you sure jimin-ah?" Jin asked eyes never leaving the trainee.

"Yes hyung." Jimin hummed as kai and sehun joined in on the dance. As soon as he felt the other two brown eyes snapped open. But he didn't stop dancing smiling at his hyungs. Moon couldn't help but laugh at the end as kai fell over with sehun on top of him.

"Hyung's get up that wasn't that bad and you didn't even dance the entire thing." Moon hums softly wheezing near the end of his sentence.

"We're dying call help." Kai faked cried out as sehun snickered. Moon face palmed sighing at his hyungs.

"This was nothing compared to not today and blood sweat and tears in one day. Get up kai-hyung sehun-hyung isn't that heavy." Moon rubbed his head lightly before bowing to BTS.

"Sorry about them hyung's they're," Glancing at his still 'dying' hyung's, "special is the nice way to put it."

There were two identical yells of "hey!" from behind him as moon grinned innocently. The manager looked to BTS to know their answer.

"BTS as a whole what do you think?" The manager hummed watching the 7 whisper to each other. Moon nervously picked at his nails a nervous habit he never could break. Kai and sehun sensing the seriousness of the situation got up and stood beside moon. They each took one of his hands to stop his picking something jungkook noticed. RM looking out to the smaller as the small group broke apart slightly making moon even more worried.

"Moon-ah. You're dancing is fluid and quite beautiful to watch. Each step was precise and calculated. Hoseok-hyung noticed that you dance with your eyes closed. But never made a mistake." RM started motioning for j-hope to finish.

"I've seen many great dancers mess up when they close their eyes. Though that didn't happen with you. As if you memorized not only the steps but the surrounding area. That is really amazing. Only a few people can actually do that. I'm very impressed." J-hope ended with one of his bright smiles. Making moon offer a small shy smile back. Jungkook stepped forwards a bit humming softly to gain the shortest attention.

"Even when sehun-hyung and kai-hyung entered the dance you weren't distracted as others would be. Usually when someone is dancing beside you suddenly it can mess you up or cause you to misstep at least one move. I should know I've done it to jimin-hyung and V-hyung." Jungkook chuckled softly the shy maknae grinning at his hyungs. "Though I did notice you quickly open your eyes to see their positions but never missed a step."

With that he stepped back behind jimin as their manager asked to vote. "Who was impressed with moon's performance?" All seven hands went up making moon's brown eyes widen. He was lucky to even get one hand up with the other groups.

"Ok. How about his dancing?" Again all seven went up again almost before he even finished. Moon tightened his grip on his hyun's hands blinking back tears. He was surprised and slightly having a panic attack about their answer to the next question.

"Do you want moon as your trainee?" 

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