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[ Before starting the past I want to say something. Actually I'm not a professional writer. I use to write in my dairy. And I use to copy from my dairy .Someone asked me to post it on online,so I am here. Actually the main character are also not HM and KS. I have just converted there names. And I also haven't finished the story.

So I was thinking about finishing the story and after that I won't be updating.
What do you think? Let me know.]

So let's continue 😃-

I came home after attending a very important meeting at headquarters. I was so tired and hungry as hell. In the hall I sow Hasi was holding a big bowl full of pasta and noodles and was watching WWE on tv and was adding and punching in the air. She was pushing the pasta and noodles in her mouth like she hadn't eaten anything from thousand years.

I came to her and was about to take the bowl from her. But she took it away from my side look at me while narrowing her eyes.

KS: Hasi, give me the bowl . I'm so much hungry!

HM: No, I'm not gonna share my food.

KS: Please yaar! I'm so much hungry!

HM: Do one thing. Go straight and turn left!

KS: What? But there is the kitchen! What will I do there?

HM: Go there, make your food by yourself and enjoy your food! I won't disturb you. Now get lost! Let me enjoy my fight!!!

Man, she loves food more than me!!!

KS: Okay then! Just wait and watch!

HM: Please, show me!

I made a frustrated look and strommed to the kitchen. After one hour and 20 minutes later I come out with the plate of full "BIRYANI" and saw that she has finished her food by seeing her face anyone can say that she was hungry!!!

I go to her and sat next to her but maintained a little distance. She first looked at my plate and licked her dry lips and looked at the tv. But she was continuously gazing at my plate by the corner of her eyes. And I was enjoying the show. Not the one which was going on tv, but the one which was happening beside me.

Now this time she has fully turned toward me. And with a seamless smile with extra sweetness she called me.

HM: Krishu...!!!

And, with a innocent face I replied!

KS: Yes,Hasi!!! What happened?!

HM: My lovely Krishu, My cute Krishu, My...

KS(with a irritated face): Stop lubricating me and came to the point.

HM: Please give me some Biryani!

KS: Sorry, make it by yourself and enjoy.

I said by serving another spoon of Biryani inside my.

HM: Please, Krishu! Don't do this to me. Give me some!

KS: Nope!

HM: I'm saying this last time.

KS: Sorry! The number you have called is currently unreasonable. Please never try Again!!!

Now by now Haseena's patience was over and she grabbed the other side of the plate after some time the plate. And after sometimes the plate was on the table and both was grabbing each other's hair and fighting like cat's!!!

And the left of the story is his history!!!

I chuckeled out a little louder by remembering this incident with broken the trance of Hasi. I mean... Haseena!!!

Haseena slowly opens her eyes which meet with Karishma. And she forgot all of her pain which she was having by seeing her smile. It was like medicine on her wounds.

After realizing what she was doing Karishma's smile got vanished. She said nothing but left the place for her house. While driving she started to ask questions to herself.

KS: She is changed. The girl who couldn't think anything without food, she is starving from 3 days! How? Why? Is there anything wrong? Am I missing anything?
Aahhh!!! What will be wrong? Everything is happening with me is wrong from last 7 to 8 months! Karishma didn't think too much. What you are doing just focus on that! Just FOCUS!!!

That's for today 😊.
Want to say sorry to them who wants bonus cause was I never able to give that to you guys 😔.
And thanks for reading my story with lots of patience 💗.

And also want to inform you that you guys are at page no 76 and I'm here not even page no 84! So maybe I won't be updating for a long time. Sorry for that 😔!!!

Take care goodbye My love live readers 💖🥰😉.

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