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Series: Seven Deadly Sins MCRP

Ships: None intended

Warnings: None?

"Jesus Lucas can you fuck off for a minute!?"

The sin of Lust's voice was harsh and laced with anger, ringing out through the otherwise quiet house. Lucas shrank back at the sound, wincing and sinking further into the fur of his heavy coat.

Ritchie eyed the smaller man with a glare, looking up from the letter he was holding in his hand. He had been on the couch trying to read its contents when when sin of Envy had showed up and started bothering him again. He couldn't understand why the other wouldn't leave him alone, always trying to start up conversations with him when he clearly was not in the mood. "I'm trying to read something here and I don't care about whatever it is you're bothering me about."

The letter itself was from one of the women he had been writing to. A rejection letter, as usual. Despite the money he had spent on her and their 'encounter' during the night she had written a note to say she was not interested.

Nobody was ever really interested.

"Okay, jeez, I was just trying to talk.." said Lucas, who's own voice was in a much softer tone than Ritchie's. He had been getting more confident recently, but still didn't seem able to fully stand up for himself like Del would have hoped. Ritchie let out a little groan at his words, visibly rolling his eyes and making quite a show of it. "Yeah, cool, consider the fact that I don't care. I'm not your friend Lucas, piss off."

The shorter man seemed as if he was about to speak again, looking up from the ground for a moment to try and formulate a sentence. Nothing came out, though.

Instead, he let out a defeated sigh and let his gaze fall back down to the ground, slipping both hands into his pockets as he then turned around to slowly walk out of the living room and out the front door. Ritchie watched him leave with narrowed eyes, muttering an insult under his breath just before the door closed. He didn't care about Lucas' feelings all too much, or about whatever he had to say.

In truth, the demon's emotions were quite a mess. He returned after years to find that a close companion had passed, and shortly after that he had to witness his wife and only son being slaughtered. Of course, he had no time to grieve for any of these losses as the sins had been called to get back together and fix another problem they had no part in creating.

And then there was Lucas. Lucas, the weird small man who his his face from others with bandages. Who drooled over frogs and could do nothing useful for the team as he had no memories or apparent abilities to speak of, anything he did do he couldn't remember. Lucas, who came along out of nowhere and was pushed into the group without anyone else having a say, who didn't get along with anyone in the group except for Delta and most likely never would as he could do nothing but be a burden..

Ritchie paused his train of thought, a frown forming on his face as he came to the realisation that none of that was Lucas' fault, he didn't chose to become a sin.

He let out a sigh as he folded the letter and placed it on the couch beside him, pushing himself to his feet and venturing out the door after the other. The guilt of how he had been treating the man was beginning to set in, for he knew none of what was happening was because of Lucas.

He would find the sin of Envy sitting outside by a tree, his knees were up to his chest and his face was invisible under the heavy hood he wore and the arms wrapped around his knees. He carefully approached the man and quietly sat down next to him, awkwardly shifting in the grass as comforting people had never really been his talent.

Neither had apologising.

The two of them remained silent, neither wanted to speak or break the tense silence. Lucas hadn't even looked up at Ritchie yet. After a few moments of this painful quiet, though, Ritchie finally took a breath and spoke up.

"Look, Lucas.." He looked down at the man as he spoke, but Lucas did not look up at him. ".. I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have yelled." His voice was much softer than it had been inside, and slowly, Lucas lifted his head to meet Ritchie's gaze. ".. Why do you all hate me? I haven't even done anything wrong."

Ritchie did not have an answer, looking away to break the stare and struggling to find his words. "I.. don't know, just a bad time for everyone I guess." The only response he got was a small nod from Lucas, who then lowered his gaze once more. Ritchie fell silent after this, thinking over the possibilities of how to proceed in his mind. He didn't want to overstep any boundaries and he was beginning to realize that he and the other sins had done nothing but make Lucas' life hell for the past few weeks.

He slowly raised an arm to wrap around the other's shoulders. Ritchie was not good with his words, but physical affection seemed to be one of his only real talents due to his nature as the sin of Lust. Lucas seemed to tense up at the touch, though he didn't push the man away as Ritchie pulled him in closer and wrapped his other arm around the other's small frame, holding him in a sort of hug.

It took him a moment to relax, but he slowly lifted his head and relaxed his body, now leaning almost entirely on Ritchie and allowing himself to be held. Ritchie's arms were warm and provided some relief in the cold of the outdoors, so he closed his eyes to let himself relax some more. The two of them sat like that for quite some time, silently enjoying each other's company for the first time.

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