Hi, I'm Kalie. This is my story, I won't go into extreme detail, not because I don't have much time, but because this has to fit on a card. One of those big 'I love you' cards. You'll find out who its for soon. Well I'd have to say that this all started at the beginning of freshman year. My mom had gotten into a relationship over the summer and I hadn't met him yet. Mom always talked about him, like he was Gorge Clooney or something. I only met him in the first few weeks before school started. Let me say he was good looking on the outside, I could see why mom liked him, but then, whenever mom left the room, he would threaten to have me replaced, he said he hated me and he hated my mom for not telling him she had a kid. It would seem that would have come up during dinner or something. Then he would act like everything was perfect and was just a 'troublesome little scamp' when my mom was around. Then school started. I was so happy to see my friends again, but they seemed to be, in a different world, Jessica, Lia, Liz,and Maggie had become what people call 'cool kids' apparently to cool for me Kalie Jean Jackson-Gibber. I only had Max to talk to. We hung out for the first few weeks of school and he helped me with my at home situation,but when it came to protecting me at school, he would vanish into the shadows. Now all I have is Jason. I call him Nick because my dad's name was Jason and I don't need a reminder of the world's worst dad...