Part Two

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It's been a week since Jack and I hooked up, and it's been pretty awkward since then. We haven't been talking as much and now we're in the backseat of Jamie's coupe sitting next to each other. Bailey's in the passenger seat singing along to the song playing. The sun has set and we're all headed to the beach. We brought polaroids, Jamie's idea.

I feel Jack's eyes watching my leg bounce. The tension is suffocating. The backseat feels a lot smaller than it did the last time I was in here. His scent is difficult to resist, he smells clean but manly, and I'm doing everything in my power not to kiss him right now.

Jamie makes a pit stop at the gas station for Bailey's snacks. When the two of them get out of the car the silence becomes so much louder. Bailey pokes her head in before closing her door "You coming?" she asks. I shake my head no with a smile. I'd have to climb over Jack to get out and I can't do that, I'm already holding back urges.

Once the passenger door closes, it's just Jack and me in the backseat. His leg is practically touching mine, I don't wanna look at him either. I don't know what's going on between us but I couldn't ask about it with Bailey right outside the door. I decide to go on my phone for the time being, hoping it'll pass the time quicker.

With my luck, my phone slips out of my hands right under Jack's seat. I look at him awkwardly and reach down with my hand as I lower my body onto his lap. I hear him take a breath in. I'm quickly searching with my hand under the seat. "I'm so sorry." I turn my head to Jack, apologizing for having my face and chest on his lap like this after all the tension we've gone through.

He laughs quietly "It's okay." He moves his legs to the side. "Here, I got it..." He reaches down the seat and finds my phone immediately, handing it to me.

"Thank you, Jack." I say as I rise up to a seating position but this time a lot closer to his face. I see his eyes scan my face and move down to my lips. Jack looks like he's gonna say something but as soon as he opens his mouth, the passenger door opens.

Bailey throws my favorite candy into the back seat. Once reality hits again as Bailey closes her door, I scoot away from Jack to create space between us. It's what we need right now. I can see Jack adjust his pants from the side of my eye. I try not to smile by looking away to the other side, feeling my cheeks get red.

Next in the car is Jamie. He taps the steering wheel, "Alright, let's hit the road!"

Once we arrive at the beach, Jack gets out first before I do, thankfully. We head down towards the beach and it's pretty empty since it's getting dark out. Perfect exposure for our photos. I brought my tripod and camera in case, but this wasn't for work, just us hanging out.

We're all in our bathing suits. Although the water was probably cold, it would be nice to go in. We set up our area with snacks, putting our towels down as we get settled.

I tell everyone to sit together so I can get a group photo. I glance over at Jack with a small smile before I get up. My three friends huddled closely together. I didn't want Jack to think that there was something wrong between us. "Say cheese!" I exclaim like a mother before snapping a couple of pictures, all of them smiling.

I loved looking at Jack's smile, he was always happy. That was one of the things I always liked about him. His smile draws you in.

Jamie gets up, taking off his shirt, and running toward the water before I could get any other photos. Bailey following behind already in her swimsuit.

Jack and I look at each other and smile, both thinking the same thing. He reaches his hand out for me to grab and run into the water together like we're children. In that moment everything felt alright, no tension in the air, just all of us together having fun.

After Dark - Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now