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YOU and NYE were now on live making milkshakes n shit as people y'all talked to the fans and read the comments. but jenn ass thought it was a good idea to call you, why? idfk.
but anyways...
you ended up ending the live and answering the phone just to see what was up wit shawty girl.
"what do you need jenn" you said, adding whipped cream on your milkshake "damn a bitch can't call you now?" she said, laughing a little "nahh, you can't" you said, hanging up in her face but ofc her delusional ass kept callin back.
you kept declining until you started to get fed up and finally answered "whattt- hang up again and watch what's gon happen" she said, being so deadass but you being you, you hung up in her face and rolled your eyes.
"what could she possibly do" nye said and y'all laughed "she gon fuck you up skyy" tae said and you rolled your eyes "dat bitch ain't on shit" you said "oop- not you callin her a bitchhh" tae and nye said at the same time.
"yea..y'all definitely meant for eachother" you said while looking at dem, hella concerned "ouuuu my brother should really call me" you said and they laughed "dat nigga don't love you" tae said making you side eye her.
"you dildo suckin mad hard" you said while mugging her which made her get up and began to chase you around the room "i'm ready to whoop yo ass" tae said as she started to catch up to you while you were just laughing and running.
"moveeeee" you dragged as she ended up catching you and grabbing you by your arm "nah cause you buggin df out" she said and you looked at nye who was on the couch dying "nye bro, get yo shawty" you said as she was now on the floor..interesting.
but then y'all were cut off when a knock was heard on the door. the 3 of y'all looked at eachother before you walked to the door and opened it, revealing jenn..
"lord have mercy.." nye mumbled as she rolled her eyes and got on her phone "why are you here?" you questioned and her fine ass just walked inside your house without answering your question.
"skrrrrt, ma'am where you goin?" you said as she made her way to your room, did bitch must be dumb. you locked the door and walked to your room and seen her sitting on your bed while staring at you.
"what made you come over and WHY are you in my room" you said, putting your hand on your hip and tilted your head to side "come here" she said and you scrunched up your face "no wdf" you said, jerking your head back.
but then her lil evil ass gave you this look with her eye brow raised as if she was gon fuck you uppppp.
"fix yo face" you said and she stood her skyscraper ass up and shut the door then made her way to you "why you was acting like dat on the phone" she said, standing in front of you while making direct eye contact.
"cause why are you calling my phone, your a opp now" you said as you sat on your bed "how?? i ain't do shit" she said and you nodded "you really don't think you did shit?" you questioned and she shrugged "i truly ain't do nun wrong" she said and you side eyed her.
"okay jenn, whatever floats ur boat" you said and she mugged you "nah your actin mad weird" she said and you shrugged "oh, is that so? cause- look, ian come over to argue so dis not what we finna do skylar" jenn said, cutting you off.
"so watchu came to do cause we not fuckin" you said and she laughed "aww you miss me" she said and you scrunched up your face "girl fuck you" you said and she tilted her head "i thought you said we won't fuckin" she said and you mugged her.
"get out my house" you said and she laughed and hugged you "i'm joking bro, calm down" she said, backing up "you smell good" she said and you nodded "ik, i always do" you said and your phone started ringing.
you turned it over and seen it was from your brother which made you immediately smile and answer the facetime call.
"heyyyyyyyyyyy cammyyyyy" you said and he mugged you "stop callin me dat, real shit" cblu said which made you roll your eyes "mmm how bout, no?" you said "mmm how bout i kick yo ass?" he said while blowing smoke out of his mouth which made you laugh.
"nigga i miss you" you said and he shrugged "ian ask all dat" he said and you squinted your eyes at him "you a bitch fr fr" you said and he nodded "oh ik, wyd tho" he said and you looked at jenn who was standing in front of you before looking back at the phone.
"looking at jenn" you said and when i tell you dis nigga started choking on smoke, dis nigga really started choking which made you laugh "nigga calm down" you said as you laughed.
"nigga- why she over der?!" he said with his eyes widened "because she popped up after i kept hanging up on her" you said and he jerked his head back "put her ass out, we don't wit da opps" he said and y'all laughed.
"nigga we was just in da stu together last night, cut dat shit out" jenn said while laughing "woaaahhhh, y'all was where last night" you said and they both side eyed you as you laughed "some gay ass mfs" you said while shaking your head.
"you gay too" cam & jenn said at the same time "fuck the both of y'all- nigga what" you said, cutting yourself off as your eyes widened "ayooo pause" jenn said while laughing "bruh, it's always y'all" cblu said, rolling his eyes.
"nigga just confirmed dat he was gay" you said, shaking your head "dick in da booty lil boiii" you said and he hung up in your face which made you laugh "ahhh you mad" you said, sticking your tongue out as you placed your phone down and looked at jenn.
"ight so what was you sayin" you said, placing your hands between your legs while looking at her and she shrugged "lemme just chill witchu" she said, sitting beside you before placing her hand on your thigh "ion know bout dat.." you said, taking her hand off of your thigh.
"bro come on, we ain't spend time together in a while" she said and you mugged her "cause you be wit dem bum ass opp thots" you said and she laughed "let's spend time one way or the other" she said and you looked at her "wym by 'other'?" you questioned and tell me why she grabbed your neck and pulled you into a kiss.
___ tbc..interesting, opinion?? ___
yallllll- luh tyler so fine but anyways..what y'all think gon happen🤔?
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