Ch.6:Amending Fences

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Dawkins was helping Hyena and Tarantula set up security camera's around the house.

Hyena:Alright, that's the last of them. If any of The Syndicate come by, the alarm will trigger.

Dawkins:Also, I made some copies of those trackers you have. So if any of us gets nabbed, we'll know where they are.

They handed out the trackers to all members of The Dalmatian Family. Delilah was still acting somewhat cold towards Hunter.

Doug:Sweetheart, just give him a chance. I mean, look how well the kids are getting along with him.

Delilah looked into the living room to see Hunter playing with some of the younger pups. Strangely, none of them seemed frightened of him. In fact, they seemed...happy to have him around. Not even Dorothy seemed scared of him. Delilah took a deep breath and decided to talk to him.

Dolly:Why don't we give you some alone time?

Delilah:Was a little miffed, but thought it was for the best. The others also left Delilah alone with Hunter.

Hunter:Come to yell at me more? Hunter...I'd like to apologize for me shouting yesterday. I gave what the others said some thought, and...I was a little hard on you

Hunter:No. Honestly, you had every right to be angry.

Delilah:I'm really surprised that they aren't even frightened by you.

Hunter:I just...don't understand how your family is so kind to me...after everything I did. You should all hate me...

Delilah was surprised.

Hunter:It'd be so easy to hate me, wouldn't it...


Hunter:I really didn't think that it would involve killing all of you. I...I thought...

Delilah sat next to him.

Delilah:You thought what?

Delilah:I thought it would be like sheep, okay?!

Piranha cracked up a little from the other room. Everyone glared at him.


Wolf smacked him in the back of his head.

Piranha:Fair enough.

Delilah:I would say that was are a child, so it isn't TOO far fetched that you would think that...

Hunter looked down at the floor.

Delilah:If I may ask, where are your parents? Do you have any other relatives?

Hunter:Cruella took me in. But she only ever cared about the blasted coat! When she sent me out to find you, I thought she'd FINALLY be grateful for me. That I would have some semblance of a FAMILY, but I didn't know it would be at the cost of another...

Delilah:My family told me about what a monster she is. But I can't believe that there was no room in her heart for someone of her own family. Please tell me she didn't hurt you.

Hunter:Thankfully she didn't. But she always belittled me and made me feel worthless. The times she was there...I wish wasn't.

Delilah was heartbroken that a child suffered such cruel treatment. She then suddenly hugged him, with tears in her eyes. Hunter was surprised and confused.


Delilah:Hunter...I...I'm so sorry you endured all that. I should have realized you were a victim too. We should have brought you home with us after that. I'm so sorry I was hard on you...

Hunter began tearing up. This was the first form of physical affection, or affection in general he's received in ages. He began crying into her shoulder.

Delilah:It's alright. Just let it out. Let all out.

Everyone was relieved to see that Delilah had finally let the past go. Even Snake was shed a few tears.

Dolly:See, that wasn't so bad, wasn't it?

Delilah rolled her eyes.

Wolf:Actually. I've been thinking, this great Aunt Cruella you mentioned.

Piranha:Think she was the one who hired The Syndicate?

Hunter:Wouldn't surprise me. She's ALWAYS had others do her dirty work.

Julie:Wait, Delilah, you mentioned she's done the same thing to your grandparents, right?


Julie:When was this?

Delilah:1961 I believe.

Piranha:She's been after this coat for DECADES?!

Julie:There's wanting, and then there is friggen unhealthy obsession!


Meanwhile, The Syndicate were informing their client about how they'd kidnap the pups.

Stinger:It's simple. We just need to draw them out and distract them from the house. Once they're gone, we'll head to the house and NAB those pups.

Their client stepped out of the shadows, and indeed it was...Cruella De Vil.

Cruella:Very smart. This will be fun...

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