Killer with a sense of emotion

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Hello guys! This is my first fanfic in a long time. My current obsession with Banda and Yaba isn't going away and since there isn't much stuff of them I'm gonna write something for these two! First off English isn't my first language so please be kind. If you have any suggestions or tips to get better let me know.
I'll try to update this story as fast as possible.

Now have fun reading! <3


In the world we knew, crimes and any violence were forbidden. Unless the state ordered it. After all, the state decided the rules. Ruling over us. They wanted to feel almost godlike, he assumed. But in the new world. In a world in which there were hardly any people. No money and no laws had meaning. In this world, he felt like a god. Banda Sunato. Killer of 4 women, at least that's what the news said. Still, Banda found it highly amusing that the incompetent people, who tried to destroy his life with the death penalty, could not even find the other beings he had killed in agony. There were at least 13. Banda could not remember exactly. He did not count indirect deaths. If he pushed someone in front of a car, it was the car that killed the person. And for Banda, it was just a game.
He had started playing these games when he had just turned 10. On his way home from elementary school, he pushed a particularly strenuous classmate in front of a truck. The cracking bones, the thud, the blood, and the empty, glassy eyes of this weak creature. Banda felt a power, a control. It was like a surge of sensations that overflowed him and transported him to feeling blissful. Death and suffering made him. It was the only thing that could really make him feel like a person.

After that, he continued to murder. First, only rats and mice and other worthless creatures, which he found in the bugged neighborhood in which he had to live. He cut off their legs. Then the ears. The tails. Listened to their screeches as they tried to toss themselves off the table. Squirming like silly little bugs. He enjoyed it. The expression of fear and inferiority of these animals.

His parents were both alcoholics. Only his mother was home every day. At 13, she was thus his first direct human victim. He put, ironically, rat poison in her alcohol. She died. No one examined a deviant and useless creature like this what his mother represented. Banda was sent to a foster home. No one thought he was a murderer. His good grades, loving smile, and innocent face would never bring out the disturbed soul.

It wasn't until a few years later, Banda now living alone, that he was arrested. He had killed so much, in a certain aspect he found it disappointing that they thought he was only capable of taking the lives of four people. Although he had been capable of more! But Banda did not reveal this, obviously. They should still puzzle, where these persons had disappeared. Banda would not take the work away from them.

But now he was no longer there. He was in another world. Everyone focused on the struggle between life and death. Banda never felt so alive. Every day he could watch people die in agony. It filled him with bliss, which he had never before felt in this way.

Now he was in one of these games again. It was the Jack of Hearts. A picture card game. It was supposed to be particularly difficult, but Banda did not find that daunting. Games of hearts remained a light matter to him. Manipulating people, seeing them realize they had been fooled by him. Banda savored it all more than anyone dared to imagine.

As the rules of the game were announced, Banda observed the slowly growing fear of his fellow players. Some, however, did not seem to care as much as others. A young man, dressed in white and with equally white hair stood quietly leaning against a wall, not really worried. A charming-looking man and a delicate woman also stood together. Banda had already observed before the game what kind of relationship the two stood with each other. And then there was a rather lanky-looking man. One eye was covered by his flat black hair.

Said man was moving towards Banda, boldly, but he seemed to be trying to hide it. Banda assumed he did not know who he was. Or there was another reason why he had been chosen by him.

Banda, however, did not care at the moment. A team of two was the surest chance for survival. Larger groups could deceive each other with ease, lie to each other when they were no longer as sympathetic to each other as they first thought. So Banda agreed. His team member was named Enji Matsushita.

And so the first round began.

Banda's feelings were like an incline. Although many thought of him as emotionless, the opposite was probably true in situations like this. After a few rounds, panic spread across the faces of his teammates and Banda's fingers filled with an energy like he was killing them himself. His body was as if controlled by this feeling of perfection. When he heard the explosion after everyone announced their color in the cell. When the images on the monitor turned gray. Death.

The fear on the faces of the others was like a drug for Banda. So beautiful, so exciting. His heart pounded with excitement.

And then it got even better.

Most of the players had already died. The boy who had formed a team with the white-haired one had apparently killed himself. Chishiya, which seemed to be the name of the white-haired fellow, was now on his own. What on earth would he do? Banda was also curious about the reaction of the other three. He was still wondering which of the four was the jack of hearts. Although the answer was almost certain for him, he wanted to assure himself further.

But there was a catch in the matter. The biggest suspect at that moment was his team member. With ease, Enji could lie to him now, kill him, and Banda could do nothing about it. So he had to think.

What could he do to avoid ending up like the scum in the other cells?

Connecting the observations he had already made was really the only important thing at that moment.

As he made his way to the bathroom, it came over him. How Enji and the woman communicated with each other now showed up logically in front of him. Thus he could exclude Yaba and also the strange white-haired one from being the jack of hearts.

A new goal opened up for him; to find out what color he really was.

And now, as he stood there staring at the cold tiles of the toilet, he came closer and stood next to him. The man in the suit, Oki Yaba. Banda felt a certain dislike towards him. But this dislike seemed to be mutual, he suspected. Leaders do not like to act hand in hand. Wars were the best example of that. But at this moment, cooperation would probably be a well-considered decision that would, moreover, prolong Banda's life.

"Did you notice it, too?"

Yaba was the first to speak. Only an approving noise resounded to Yaba as an answer. Banda already knew what Yaba was aiming at. His partner's betrayal didn't seem to bother him much. He still wore that amused grin on his lips.

"I've never seen such a beautiful land. It's like paradise."

Now it was Yaba who only nodded in agreement. Both of them shared this sentiment.

A paradise, for those who could not pursue their ideals in the old world.

And with this agreement of sensuality, the two men, different yet also so similar in so many aspects, told each other their color. And Banda felt for the first time a certain kind of trust within himself.

It was a warm sensation as if a blanket had settled over his shoulders. Unfamiliar, but he liked it.

And so it happened that Banda entered his cell. Only one explosion could be heard. The picture of Shiga Kotoko lost its color.

So there were only four of them left. There was one more round to survive. But Banda now lulled himself into a certain sense of safety.

As he listened to Enji's maniacal laughter, a shallow smile formed on his lips and his bony fingers tugged his sleeves before he strode into the hallway. The shocked face Enjis, was like a delicious meal in the restaurant and what they would do to him now was the dessert.

Pierce my heart ♡||♧ 𝕬𝖑𝖎𝖈𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉Where stories live. Discover now