1: Meeting

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A fresh start at a new school, and it isn't just any school. This school was an elite talent training school and one lucky omega was able to gain entrance midterm.

The omega stretched as his soft grey ears and tail popped out. He smiled and purred softly as he enjoyed the warm sun on his face. He had just finished up his math class and was waiting for his school guide to come around. He knew that the boy had every class except his first block, so it would be any minute until he came by. Felix entertained himself by doodling out a new design for a dress he wanted to make.

There was a quiet creak of a door as the boy looked up and saw a tall dirty-blonde boy walk out and make his way toward Felix. He quickly hid his ears and tail as the boy greeted him.

"You must be Felix, right?" The taller said. Felix nodded, too flustered by the boy to say a word. Felix could smell the other's very prominent scent. It smelled like a vanilla cinnamon roll... So tasty.

The boy smiled and ruffled Felix's hair. "Ah... Don't be so shy dude. My name's Hyunjin!" The taller smiled as the shorter blushed and shook his head. He liked head pats and his hair being messed with but Hyunjin just met him. Plus, it's just weird to do that in public.

Hyunjin chuckled awkwardly as he continued to speak: "So you have the same schedule as me and our next class is... Chemistry!" The two walked along as Felix clutched his bag, nerves getting the best of him as he walked with the boy. Hyunjin went on and on about all the extra activities their school has to offer when suddenly someone rudely bumped into Felix's shoulder, knocking him to the ground. Felix hissed in pain as he glared daggers at the kid.

"W-Watch where you're going!" He shouted at the kid as Hyunjin helped him up.

"Yeah! Watch it, Kid." Hyunjin glared at the kid as the kid shrugged with a scoff.

"Sorry newbie. Thought you were a tree." The kid laughed and walked off. Felix rolled his eyes and flipped the kid off before dusting himself off. Hyunjin helped Felix gather his stuff before they continued to walk.

"Some people in this school are dickheads. They treat everyone like they're underneath them." Hyunjin rolled his eyes as Felix hummed in agreement.

"Dickhead is an understatement." Felix mumbled. Hyunjin laughed and rubbed Felix on the back.

"We're gonna get along nicely." He smiled. Felix smiled back softly as he blushed.

The two made it to their class a few minutes early and got seated next to each other. The professor had bright blue hair and a pair of glasses that made him look like a librarian. A very hot librarian. Hyunjin happily greeted the professor.

"Chan!- I mean Mr. Bang!" Hyunjin said, earning a raised eyebrow from the professor. "This is Felix! He's our new student!" Hyunjin smiled as he pointed to Felix. Felix shyly waved and smiled as Mr. Bang looked at him.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lee." He said. His voice was very soothing. Nothing like a typical teacher voice. He also looked incredibly young for his age and smelled like... Orange mint? It's fitting. Chan stood up and began writing on the board as more students came in. A few of the students stared at Felix and Hyunjin as they walked in but most of them ignored the two as class was way more important. The bell chimed signaling class was in session and Chan spoke.

" 'Morning Class. As you all have noticed we have a new student," He paused as the class murmured. "Yes. Yes, I know. Now that that is out of the way. On to organic chemistry." He lectured on about the wonders of organic bonds which bore the class to death. Not Felix or Hyunjin though. They both were meticulously writing everything they could. Hyunjin paused for a moment and looked over at Felix. He was finally able to notice the boy's aroma and features. Soft pale skin with freckles decorating his face, his soft grey-blue hair gently swooped over his face, his hazel eyes reading every little detail on the board... It was like looking at a porcelain doll. His aroma was a softly sweet strawberry scent with a hint of peach that made Hyunjin feel at ease. He had just met the boy and already wanted to mark him with his scent. No. He wanted Felix to mark him with his scent. He wanted to never stop smelling the sweet peach and strawberry scent. Hyunjin was completely stuck in his own world when he heard someone call his name loudly.

"Mr. Hwang! Are you going to answer the question?" Chan had his arms crossed as everyone eyed Hyunjin. Hyunjin got flustered and nodded.

"S-sorry sir. What was the question?" Hyunjin asked. Felix pushed his notebook to Hyunjin and tapped the paper. He glanced over and saw the question.

"What is the main distinction between organic and inorganic chemistry?" Hyunjin asked.

"Yes. Do you know? Or do you have to ask Mr. Lee for that too?" Chan walked up to their shared desk and handed Felix his notebook. "You two are going to have to stay after class you know that?" He said in a low voice. Felix turned bright red and looked at Chan with shock.

"Wh-what?!" Hyunjin exclaimed. Chan turned away with a sigh.

"Right. It's that organic chemicals have a carbon bond and inorganic doesn't." Chan continued his lecture as the two younger boys looked at each other. Felix glared at Hyunjin and rolled his eyes.

"Great you got us in trouble." Felix hissed lowly. Hyunjin stared at him with his mouth open.

"I did not! I don't even-" Hyunjin was interrupted by a ruler being slapped onto the desk and a glare from Chan.

"Interrupt my class again and see what happens." Chan lowly threatened. Hyunjin knew his professor was normally easygoing but when he gets mad it's not a pretty sight. Hyunjin rested his elbow on his desk as he sat there looking pissed.

The two boys finished taking their notes as the class was dismissed. The two began to pack their bags as Chan walked over to them. Felix looked at him with fear running through his veins. It's his first day and he already is getting in trouble! Chan leaned on their desk with a sigh.

"Hah! I really got you two!" He laughed. The two younger boys looked at their teacher confused. "Ahh... don't be so stressed. I just wanted to give you a welcome gift Felix!" He smiled, his fangs slightly showing as he handed Felix a small notebook with a couple of candies and a blue fluffy pen. Felix chuckled a bit and sighed in relief.

"Oh my gods Mr. Bang, I thought I was in trouble!" He laughed. Hyunjin laughed too as he poked Chan's arm.

"Chan your such a prankster!" Hyunjin joked.

"No. You don't get to call me that around students bro." Chan deadpanned. Hyunjin pouted as Chan got up off the desk.

"Yah... I'm your brother! I should be able to!" Hyunjin pouted. Felix sat there wide-eyed.


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