Ichigo/Bleach one-shot Story

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in the beginning it is cute and happy then it gets sad :(. but i hope you enjoy!

~Ichigo’s P.O.V.~

I walked around town after another mission to kill a hollow. The crowd was thinning, people rushing to get back to work. I decided since it was to late to go to school, I went to get some ice cream for myself. I deserved it, right? Lazy Rukia making me do all the work.

I went inside the ice cream shop and ordered a two-scoop mint chocolate chip cone. I walked out of the shop and was about to turn right to go home, but I saw something out of the corner of my left eye. When I turned my head the whole world around me seemed to stop. I saw a young girl with long, light brown hair and kind, dark brown eyes. She looked about 5’7’’. Another thing that surprised me was that she placed a vase with flowers by a light post for the ghost that lived there. She talked with the kid ghost as I felt a pull in myself to go to her and before I realized it I was already walking.

Once I got close enough, the girl looked up at me a little surprised but stood up and straightened her dress out.

“Hello, do you need help with something?” she asked sweetly. Suddenly I felt dumb since I had no reason to walk up to her.

“Um, I uh…” I stuttered. Her giggle ran through my ears, the best sound in the world. Is it natural that I felt this way?

“It’s fine. Would you like to walk to the park with me?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah sure,” I stumbled on my words again. She laughed again making me smile. We walked towards the park in silence for a few seconds till she said something.

“You’ve got some interesting hair. What’s your name, orange head?” I didn’t get mad and yell at her not to call me that like I usually did, instead I chuckled thinking it was cute.

“Ichigo Kurosaki, what’s is your name, uh, brownie?”

She giggled once again, “That was a failed attempt, strawberry.”

I blushed knowing she was totally right, thinking it was cute that she called me strawberry also.

“It’s Mitsuki Manabe, by the way,” she said.

“I like that,” I said truthfully earning the tiniest blush. We stopped walking when we saw that we arrived at the park.

~Mitsuki’s P.O.V.~

I didn’t know what it was. I felt safe and secure around him. I already loved how the setting sun shone against his hair and his awkward smile. I felt like I have known him all my life and this moment was perfect.

“Uh, so do you go to the school here?” Ichigo asked.

“I used to,” I said sadly.

“What do you mean ‘used to’?”

“I’m moving in a couple of days,” I looked up to see a pained and sad expression on his face. Honestly it hurt me seeing him like this. Does he fell the same connection I do?

“How long have you been able to see ghosts?” I attempted to change the subject.

“Ever since I was little. What about you?” “Only just recently, I think about two months ago. I am amazed at myself for not freaking out.”

“Oh, dammit!” Ichigo said irritably.

“What’s wrong?”

“My ice cream melted all over my hand! Now it’s all sticky!” he pouted. Cutest thing ever! He discarded his cone in the trash and went to the bathroom to wash his ice cream coated hand. I waited patiently for a minute till he came out.

“So is there anything you want to do?” Ichigo asked.

“I have nothing in mind,” I said until I turned around and spotted the swing set.

“Race you there,” I challenged, pointing to it. A playful smirk played on his lips as he got in a starting position.

“On a count of three,” He started,” one-“ “Three!” I yelled and took off running not even caring that I cheated.

“Hey, you cheated!” he growled behind me, catching up. I only laughed as I made it to the swings. Right when I was about to touch it with my out stretched arm, something grabbed me from behind the waist and pulled me back. Sparks flew up and down my body from the touch as I pouted. “You cheated,” I said hypocritically.

“But you cheated first,” he accused back. I let out a huff and he let go of me chuckling slightly. I sat on one of the swings and started swinging my legs back and forth. Ichigo did the same till we were a good amount in the air. For most of the time we talked and laughed having the greatest time of our lives. When our legs got tired, we hopped off the swing and then I noticed how cold the air got.

~Ichigo’s P.O.V.~

I saw that Mitsuki was shivering when I looked up at the sky seeing that it was night with millions of stars out.

“It’s getting late, you want to go home?” I asked, not really wanting to.

“Yeah,” she nodded, “I’ll take you back home.”

“Isn’t it supposed to be that other way around?” I smirked. “I don’t plan on going home just yet,” She looked deep into my eyes and my heart literally stopped. It’s like she kept me in hypnosis. Unwillingly I broke the trance running a hand through my hair.

“Well, let’s go,” I said and we started off on the sidewalk towards my house. Every thing was dead silent as we walked through the open city. We didn’t exchange words through our stroll. It didn’t even faze me that there were no people on the streets, lost in my own thoughts.

A few hundred feet to my house I finally notice Mitsuki stopped walking. I turned around and saw Mitsuki in a tense stance, arms firmly by her side.

“Some thing doesn’t feel right,” She managed to choke out. Before I could take a step towards her there was a great rumbling that made the ground shake. A loud screech went through the air and I automatically knew it was a hollow. The thuds got louder and stronger as the ground shook, letting us know it was coming this way.

Mitsuki was facing me not moving a muscle when I could walk a couple long strides to reach her. But my legs felt like they were full of lead. I couldn’t understand the reason for this when I have attacked and destroyed many hollows before. The hollow slowly came into view as it let out another deafening screech. Mitsuki had a frightened look on her face as it came up right behind her.

My hand ached to reach for my substitute soul reaper badge, but my arms wouldn’t move either. I cursed many times in my head. Then Mitsuki turned around seeing the gigantic hollow right in front of her. I screamed at my body to move, but it seemed like my whole body shut down, only my mind worked watching the terrible scene. She let out a blood-curtailing scream as the hollow reached down to grab her. My eyes widened in disbelief. In one swift movement the hollow threw her inside it’s mouth and devoured her.

“MITSUKI!!!!!!!” I cried in agony. My legs wobbled and gave out beneath me and I fell to my knees. The hollow just laughed cruelly at my pain and slowly closed in on me. Not caring what happened to me now, I waited openly to the same fate Mitsuki want through.

I shot up from my bed, cold sweat all over my body. Silent tears streamed down m face. I cried more violently and my whole body shook as I slowly realized it was all just a horrible nightmare. I didn’t know what reason I deserved to have this sickening dream, but it still felt so real. I laid back down on my bed, shutting my eyes a hard as I could, trying to push away the heart shattering thoughts. Something in the very back of my mind said, you cant save everyone…


I bet you are pissed at me for the ending XD. I just had this idea from this morning and I needed to write it. I still hope you like it and not to boring. I have been in a very Bleach mood lately :P mostly all I can think about is Bleach, haha.

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