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"And the winner is.... Preston High School from Fresno, California!"

Those were the words that set my heart flying. The sleek announcer finished up his talking as our whole senior class went wild, we won, we actually won. I screamed joining the rest of the students as we jumped up and down.

"I CANT BELIVE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!" Screamed my best friend Emma, over the screaming over other students. Her bubbly blonde hair was waving around her head while she jumped, and her piercing blue eyes were filled with excitement. I mouthed an 'I know right?" too her knowing she wouldn't be able to hear me if I talked. I could barley make out a word, I was too exited about winning an 'educational' trip around the world for 60 days with my whole senior class!

The teachers were trying to calm all the students down, though most of them were just getting squished into to lockers considering we were in a narrow hallway. People were jumping and screaming so loud they would be able to hear us in Ireland, which, by the way, we will be going too! I let out a screech making Daniel, one of my other spectacular friends, laugh considering i'm usually more quite, but what can I say? I am going on a freaking trip around the world!

A little while later the teachers somehow managed to calm down the students to explain the whole proses.

"Okay students," started our principal, Mr. Hemington, "We will be leaving in 10 weeks, October 24, so you have a little leisure time to star packing start packing. We will be going to a list of places which will be in a email too your parents, who have already approved the trip and signed permission slips." Honestly I think the only reason peoples parents said yes to even the idea of it was because the school described it as educational. "You will need a few things other than personal items, I will pass out the full list at the end. We will be sleeping in our airplane that has lie flat beds for each person, a mini TV, and a little draw for minimal storage, the rest of your luggage will go on the overhead bins. The girls will be in the bottom floor of the plane and the boys will be on the top, teachers have their own arrangements. There is 1 large bathroom per floor with several sinks, stalls and showers each. You will be picking your bed placement so choose wisely. We will explain the rest to your parents at the parent meeting September the first, you are all free to go home now." He finished. WOW thats one hella big plane! Don't ask me how the teachers knew all the information already when we just found out, that was still unknown to me.

"Thats one hell of a big plane!" I exaggerate to my 3 friends.

"Guyyyyyyssssss I cant sleep close to you guys, were on separate floors!" Poor Daniel has barley any guy friends.

We exit to school building with relief considering we were at school on a Saturday. Cringe, I know right? We talk about some details while Cassy, my final friend, talks about her outfits she's taking, and finally part ways as we get in our cars, and when I say our cars I mean they get into their cars and I get into my moms van she lent me for today. I hope in and turn on the ignition and pull out of the school parking lot. I see a black Lamborghini right next to me and see dark hair and roll my eyes. Of course rich boy Luke has a bad ass car to match with what he thinks of himself. Luke, Luke was an irritable jack ass that I had managed to avoid for my whole 17 years of living, and plan to continue until I die. Okay so maybe not my whole 17 years, you see, Luke and Iwere neighbors when we were about 2 until we were about 11, we became best friends, thats of course until his parents quite their jobs and started selling some car product and became more loaded than Donald Trump, and they moved. We never had some sort of argument that tore us apart, nope, we simply fit in with two very different crowds.

Im just going to ignore the smug smirk on his face that I can see through his car window and continue driving. Don't get me wrong, that boys jawline could cut a cake and his eyes are possibly the most beautiful things too ever grace the earth, but his personality ruins it, and I don't even have to know him now to know that. I know its kind of wrong to make assumptions but how could you blame me? Years after us being best friends he never even once stole a glance at me after he got rich, as if he was some sort of God to me. Shaking Luke of my mind I continue driving, 10 minutes later and I arrive at my humble dwelling. I toss the car keys on the kitchen counter towards my mom.

"Hey Mom," I say in a overly perky voice, yo I couldn't help it. I swish my medium blonde hair over my shoulders.

"Hello to you too," she says in a knowing voice. "Let me guess, you guys won?" She says smiling. Luckily I have a great relationship with both my parents, its just my mom is around more, Its not like i have boy talks with her or tell her school gossip, no no and no. We simply enjoy lots of the same things. like she was a dancer before I was.

"Yep yep yep yeppppp!" I squeal too her. Boy am I ready to waste two months of school! "Their going to send out information over email so no worry's." I tell her knowing how busy she is with her own work. She runs a small chain cafe/restaurant that self smoothies, tea, and healthy bakery stuff. Now I'm not one to like healthy foods, considering ice cream is part of my daily routine, but her recipes are amazing. The store is called "One Bite Two." and it is simply adorable. Its not that I'm not a healthy person, I'm not fat, nor am i skinny, I guess I could take pride in being curvy, yet I having to work of everything I eat at dance classes because my metabolism is almost worse than my singing skills, and those suck, a lot.

"Okay thank you Rylan," She says over her shoulder as she continues typing quickly on her computer.

I run upstairs too my room and lay down on my white comforter and scroll through tumblr on cute outfits I could take on the trip, this is going to be one hell of a fun trip.


Okay so new story! I got this idea a little while ago and decided too make it a reality! Chapters will not usually be this short, this is mostly just an intro, and yes Rylan is a guys name but I also like it as a girls name so build a bridge and get over it. Also Rylan is a dancer of all sorts which will probably expand to a part of the story soon. I have not decided the cast list yet but I know i waant Luke to be played by Dylan O'Brien who is all kinds of sexy so ya. I am also considering Chloë Grace Moretz for Rylan, but i don't know yet. Also please excuse the mistakes, which there will be a lot of.





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