Chap. 1

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Chapter 1~

Its been a good 9 weeks since we heard we won, since then, people have been buzzing and whispering about arrangements and other things for the trip. Procrastination has kicked my ass and I haven't even started packing for a 60 day trip. Juggling the extra dance I had to do to make up for the lost rehearsals and classes and studying for all these big tests teachers all decided to gives too make sure we suffer before we actually get to have fun, I haven't had any time to pack. Cassy has been constantly bugging me about my outfits that I was taking. Today was a Wednesday, the only glorious day I didn't have a grueling 5 hours of dance, and that meant packing, fun (note the very evident sarcasm). I turned my phone speaker up all the way and started playing 'Youth' By Daughter. I instantly started rummaging through my closet too look for acceptable outfits to through into my boring set of three black suit casses. As much as I hated packing, Im a little OCD about some of that stuff, so all my clothes go into the big one, accessories, jewelery and shoes and swimming suits in the second one, and the last one was for toiletries and hair and make up products, which I guess kind of are toiletries, sue me. I started carefully placing my shirts and blouses into one corner of the biggest suit case and followed suit with pants, shorts, dresses, and undergarments in the top pouch thing. Once I was done with that suit case I looked at my handy work. A frown worked its way to my face as I saw that half the suit case was empty because of the little amount of clothes I thought would be acceptable in other places of the world where there will be hot foreign boys, a girl can try. Im not one too go to the mall and spend 500 dollars of my parents hard earned money every week, but when in times of need, I found shopping really fun, and so did a few other people I knew.

"Emma, tell Cassy, we're going shopping."


Emma, Cassy and I walked into the mall, I for one, had a set plan, Cassy, well she was a different story.

"Oh lets go in there!" She says pointing to a small boutique

"Cassy stay focused, we came here for specific things and were getting those specific things." I tell her. She pouts.


"Oh Forever21! Lets go in there!" Cassy says again in a high pitched squeal.

"Just your luck." I smile, showing her the list of places I needed to go, Forever21 being the top of that list.

"Look at these!!" Emma says next to me pointing out some shoes, drool practically coming out of her mouth, this is going to be one long ass trip to the mall.


Six shops, 7 bags in hand, each of us, and 3 pretzels later, we were finally done with our shopping trip, and I was officially broke.

"Wow am I pooped." I say dramatically whipping my fake forehead sweat.

"Ya same lets head home." Says Emma rolling her eyes a my dramatics.

We head too Emmas small 5 person car and hope in, me and Cassy fighting for shotgun. After Cassys victory and my grumbling, Emma started the car and drove off.

We drove while talking about anything and everything. Finally after 10 minutes, I was the first to be dropped off.

"By guys! Thanks!" I yell to them as I drove off. I struggled too pull the keys from my small pocket of my skinny jeans, and after dropping a few bags I was a able too successfully enter my home. I picked up the bags I dropped and entered my small room and started on putting all my new clothes into my suit case.After finally filling that all up I got to work on the next one, and the next, and finally, I was done packing! Well that was a good two hours wasted.

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