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Bria POV (6.20.13)

I struggled for air, reaching for the nearest weapon. I grabbed a pan & hit, Corneal, my boyfriend in his head. He fell to the ground & I gasped for air. Once I caught my breath, I ran out the house. I jogged a few ways til I got pass the corner. I sighed, stopping & leaning against the bricks, tryna catch my breath.

?: "Come on Bria! You knew betta than to run right?" I groaned, knowing Corneal had sent his men on me.

I ran down the streets of Brooklyn, tryna stay alive another night. They followed me throughout the city. I bumped into a tall yellow fellow, knocking him down.

Me: "I'm really sorry.."

I wanted to help him up, because I'm just that type of person but Corneal's men started shooting.

Me: "uh! Duty calls.." I ran off again.

This wasn't my first time running from them & I highly doubted it'll be my last. I ran into the nearest alley & waited for them to ride pass. Knowing them, they would drive pass twice & then give up. I waited for the second drive by before leaving. I started my walk, zipping my jacket. I didn't have anywhere to go, I knew for sure if I would've went home.. That would have been my last breath.

I'm a very nice person, I try to help others in every way possible. I'm young, beautiful, & smart. I wonder why this shit became a routine thing & why it even happened in the first damn place. I walked into the corner store & got some hot fries & a brisk. That yellow boy was in line, in front of me.

Lady: "You have a good one sir." She gave him his bag.

?: "Thank ya."

He stepped outta line & looked at me.

Me: ".. I'm sorry about your clothes." I said noticing he had stains in his all white attire.

?: "Ya good.." He said with a fake smile.

I gave the lady the money, since I knew how much it was & she bagged it. The guy was somewhat waiting on me. We walked out together.

?: "Why was ya runnin'?"

Me: "I'm sorry?"

?: "My bad.. That ain't my business.."

Me: ".. Why are you walking with me?"

?: "I was actually thinkin' da same shit. I guess wanted ta make sure ya don't bump into nobody else." We shared a laugh.

Me: "What's your name?"

?: "August. But ya can call me Aug."

Me: "August? The month?"

August: "Exactly."

Me: "Oh wow. Cool, I guess."

August: "What's ya name lil mama?"

Me: "Bria.."

August: "Well, Bria.. I'a see ya on da flip."

Me: "We'll see." He chuckled & got in his car.

I continued walking, to my aunt house. She was the only one in my family that didn't neglect me after finding out I was in an abusive relationship. Crazy right? My own family walked out on me because I didn't leave him. Yes I'm a idiot, but shit love got me in this shit. I knocked at her door, praying she was still awake.

Her porch light came on then her door opened. She gave me the same face she always gives me & walked away from the door. I chuckled & stepped inside. I shut & locked her door & went into the kitchen, as rehearsed. She got a ice pack out the freezer & tossed it to me. I caught it & pressed it against my cheek.

Auntie B: "What happened now?"

Me: "Same ole, same ole."

Auntie B: "Ok, but for what this time?"

Me: "He wanted to fuck but I was tired. So he assumed I cheated & choked me out."

Auntie B: "I love you Bria but you have got to be the smartest dumbest person ever. Baby the man is crazy, leave him already."

Me: "I told you, I love him & the only way I'm leaving is if he kills me." She sighed & rolled her eyes.

Auntie B: "And when he kills you, then what?"

Me: "I'll be put outta my misery."

She just looked at me. I chuckled & kissed her cheek.

Me: "Lighten up Aunt B, I'm alive today."

Auntie B: "What bout tomorrow? How long are you really gonna keep this up?"

Me: "Tomorrow isn't promised. I might keep it up as long as nana did."

Auntie B: "Nana was a totally differ-"

Me: "She was beaten for years by a man who she deeply loved. Ride or die?"

Auntie B: "She rode & died."

Me: "Welp. Look I'm sleepy."

Auntie B: "Go on, get." I giggled before going into 'my' room.

I changed into some pjs & got in bed. Maybe it'll be better tomorrow. I prayed & went to sleep.

First full chapter! I hope yall enjoy this.

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-xoxo 💚

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