Reunion, Part the Second

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Ash blinked a few times, scrunching his eyebrows together as he replied, "Uh... yeah?"

His class didn't have much time to marvel at his lack of eloquence as the girl took a few hesitant steps forward before launching herself at him and hugging him tightly. As his brain recovered from the unexpected action, Ash noticed something a bit off about the hug. It almost felt as though...

She choked out, "I-I can't believe....You're here. You're actually...." She trailed off, at a loss for words.

Ash stood there frozen, not knowing what to do as he glanced at Pikachu, almost hoping his friend would guide him. Unfortunately, the mouse was preoccupied with walking around the girl, sniffing at her legs. Suddenly, he reared back, eyes widening as he rounded on Ash, rapidly gesturing to the girl. "Pika pi! Pika pikachuu!"

As Ash turned back to the girl, he heard Mallow pipe up behind him. "Sooo, Ash.... Mind introducing us to your... friend?" The rest of the class let out murmurs of agreement as they looked on.

The trainer nodded, trying to think. "Right, uhh.... Let's see...." He racked his brain, trying to think. It wouldn't be Bianca; he doubted the girl would behave like this towards anyone, unless it was-

Eyes flying wide, he snapped his fingers. "I got it! You're- ow!"

Ash yelped as Pikachu jumped up and lightly headbutted the side of his head, knocking his cap off. The trainer frowned as he glared at Pikachu, reaching down, picking his hat up, and dusting it off. "What was that for, Pikachu?"

The mouse pointed at the girl and shook his head emphatically before turning his paw on the class.

Ash stared at his partner before smacking himself in the head, muttering, "Right, should have thought of that. Thanks, Pikachu." The mouse merely rolled his eyes before clambering up his trainer's shoulders and grooming himself. The girl shot him an appreciative look as Ash turned towards his companions with a grin. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet-"

"Tia," Latias blurted, startling Ash. "Just call me Tia," shooting an apologetic look at her crush. He smiled innocently at her as he scratched behind Pikachu's ears, much to the mouse's enjoyment.

The class politely greeted her before introducing themselves one by one. Kiawe stepped up first, almost looming over Latias as he held out his hand. "I'm Kiawe. A pleasure to meet you. Tell me," the dark-skinned trainer said intently, "how much have you battled Ash while he was here?" Collectively, his classmates snorted while Ash and Latias sweatdropped and laughed nervously. Latias shook her head, honey eyes glimmering in mild amusement as she shook his hand. "We uh... never really battled. I'm not a trainer, you see.... But it's nice meeting you as well," she finished politely.

Kiawe sighed in disappointment as Sophocles took his place, snickering. "Hey there, my name's Sophocles! Togedemaru and I like to work on science projects back at home." Hearing her name, the round Pokémon turned around and immediately rolled around the two, electricity crackling through her fur. Noticing this, Pikachu ran over and placed himself in front of her path, resulting in him getting rolled into, shaking his head as the grey Pokémon danced around him. Latias covered her mouth and giggled softly. "Nice to meet you, Sophocles, and you, Togedemaru."

Sophocles nodded and stepped back, letting Lana and Mallow come up. The blue-haired trainer had a mischievous glint in her eye as she introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Lana, and I'm training my Kyogre to be the world's most decorated water Pokémon!" The class sighed and shook their heads, used to her pranking new people. To their surprise, "Tia" just snickered before erupting into laughter, sending pleasant chills through their bones. Lana stared at her as she recovered, not used to someone outright laughing at what most would consider a serious statement. Latias smiled at her, still giggling as she replied. "I'm sorry for laughing; it's just... Lord Kyogre would not let anyone catch him, especially after the incident in Hoenn a few years ago."

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