Chapter 6 (part 1) - Justin

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   I jolted awake with a start at the sudden loud chorus of some ridiculous cheer from the movie that was playing on the gigantic TV screen.

 Well, this was a little unusual. I hadn’t remembered falling asleep at all. True to my word, I’d forced Laila to sit downstairs in the basement and watch Bring It On with me, and we’d managed to make it through that movie and its sequel. I distinctly remember finding the third movie on Demand and pressing the play button, but then apparently I’d fallen asleep, because I didn’t remember anything after that.

 I was pulled away from the frantic inner-workings of my mind when I suddenly realized that there was somebody who was currently lying across my lap.

  It was Laila, and she was sleeping on me, her wavy hair splayed out across my legs.

 If we hadn't been plopped down on the comfy sofa in the basement, watching Bring It On, All or Nothing, completely by ourselves, I would have flushed furiously red and shoved her way. But for some odd reason, I remained decidedly frozen.

 I don’t even know how we even ended up in this position, either. We’d started out on opposite ends of the couch with considerable distance between us, hardly daring to look at each other. I hadn’t noticed when she’d fallen asleep sometime during one of the Bring It On movies – if I had, I would’ve been sorely tempted to kick her awake.

   If I ever thought back to his moment years from now, I'd probably still be wondering what on Earth possessed me to let my rival continue to sleep on me. Maybe it was because the more I actually took the time to look at Laila, the more I was finding myself thinking that Laila was… well, beautiful.

  Not only that, but really beautiful.

 Right at that moment, I was seriously beginning to question my sanity.


  Laila and I were two people that paths would never, ever cross. It was ludicrous to even think of her in that way. Just because I happened to think that she was ridiculously gorgeous didn't mean anything. I was a teenaged guy and it was normal to be ruled by my hormones, wasn’t it?

  If there really was a God out there, He should just strike me down now before anything else awkward and weird happened between the two of us. My life already had enough complications, particularly with another girl, and I didn't need anything else to make my brain hurt.

 "Laila," I sighed, giving her a none too gentle nudge. "C'mon, wake up. Go to bed."

Laila's sea-blue eyes slowly opened as she stared up at the ceiling, and then looked over at me. And then looked back up at the ceiling again…and then practically tossed herself off the couch with a loud shriek.  

  "Jesus, Justin! I'm sorry!" she started apologizing profusely, her voice cracking up at least two octaves.

 I couldn't help but burst out laughing, regardless of the fact that I would probably end up with a bruise upside my head or something.

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