Chapter 2

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* Hogwarts train station*

Guqqie: now what?

Aimsey: don't know

Hagrid: first years, first year this way, come on now this way

Guqqie: that answers that question

* the lake*

Hagrid: all right, all right, now three people on a boat

Aimsey: come on

* they get on*

???: Hey can I get on?

Aimsey: yeah, there's room, I'm Aimsey, this is Guqqie

Cara: I'm Cara

Aimsey: nice to meet you, are you muggle born as well?

Cara: yeah, I think most of our year is, I mean, me and Niki we got our letters, and we're both muggle born

Hagrid: you should see your first sites of Hogwarts now

Guqqie: holy shit

Cara: you see the girl over there?

Aimsey: yeah

Cara: that's a Lily Potter II, her father is the DADA teacher

Guqqie: what's DADA?

Cara: defence against the dark arts, it's one of the subjects here

Hagrid: alright then follow me

*the entrance*

Minerva: Hagrid got the first years?

Hagrid: yes, Professor, they're all here

Minerva: hello, I am Professor Mcgonagall your headmistress, please follow me

* the great hall*

Minerva: alright please go and sit at the far left table

Cara: I thought there was only 4 houses why are there 5 tables?

Lily: don't know, guess we'll find out

* the entire school enters the hall and sits at the 4 other tables*

Minerva: welcome all to the start of year feast, now for those of you that are coming back you are probably wondering why their are 5 tables, in years gone by, Professor Dumbledore told me and the staff that we sort to soon, therefore the sorting is being pushed back to the tenth week of term, at the end of feast Professor Sprout shall escort you to your common room

Lily: wow

Minerva: now, for those who are here for the first time, the forest on the grounds is not for students, don't go there, now the Tri-Wizard tournament will take place on near the end of the year, therefore Durmstrang and Beauxbatons shall be joining us, I've been told to tell you about a new rule, upon a person being chosen, another person can take their place by saying "I volunteer as tribute" this new rule has been added do to the last time the event took place, with that being said dig in

Aimsey: any one going to compete?

Lily: they won't let us it's way too dangerous for a first year

Guqqie: also " I volunteer as tribute" that's from The hunger games

Lily: the minister of magic is my aunt who is Muggle-born, that's probably why

Guqqie: I'm gonna enter

Aimsey: Guq didn't you hear what she said it's dangerous

Guqqie: I'll be fine, I've got a whole year to learn magic

* in the common room*

???: hey can I sit?

Aimsey: yeah I'm Aimsey

Ranboo: I'm Ranboo or Ran, which ever you prefer

Aimsey: Ran, Guqqie said she'll enter this event, I don't want her to, apparently it's dangerous, people have died

Ranboo: most of the upper years will also enter

Aimsey: but what if she gets chosen

Ranboo: listen if they mean that much to you, I'll enter the tournament, and if she gets picked I'll volunteer

Aimsey: thank you so much

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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