Chapter 2

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As crows begin to feed on the dead citizens of Shiganshina District, a religious man is frantically reciting words from his book. Townsfolk are screaming and running as the Titans roam the district, and the man is eventually confronted and eaten by a Titan, his book falling to the ground. A woman flees to a dark alley, covering her mouth, and is plucked from her spot, screaming. Recovering from his state of shock, Eren attacks Hannes for abandoning his mother. He insists that if given more time, his mother could have been saved. With Eren struggling to punch him again, Hannes explains that Eren did not have the strength to save his mother, further infuriating him. However, he then says that the reason he could not save Eren's mother was because he did not have the courage to face the Titan. Evelyna who is done crying had snapped out when she heard of his words. It makes her feel anger before she kicks him hard and makes him groan in pain as he looks at Evelyna.

Hannes seems scared of Evelyna who look darkly at him. "You're a coward drunk bastard! You never take the advise when we tell you! You just ignore it because you think that we safe forever! If you take our advise and focus on it, nothing will happen! Yes, I admit that you didn't save my mother because you don't have any courage. But in a truth, you actually scared to fight! Don't try to denied it when it was a truth, Hannes! You always mocked the scouts for causing more death. What you don't know that they're sacrifice for us to help humanity win! Even they failed of something, they still going on! Do you think that humanity will stay here if walls not breach and protect us?! See in your eyes! The walls will not protect us forever! Now, do you reliaze that? I can't forgive you for your neglect duty." Said Evelyna in anger tone yet she still crying for lossing her mother. Evelyna just walked away from him as Eren and Mikasa follow her leaving Hannes who is looking down with a shameful look on his face.

Armin had spotted Evelyna, Eren and Mikasa make him called them but froze to see their faces. In the boat, Eren was sit in between Evelyna and Mikasa. Then they heard of something which caught of their attentions. The other walls had been crashed by Armoured titan make the humans feel devasted. Eren had swear himself to kill all the titans in the world. Evelyna was clenching her fist tightly as she remember of her mother make her feel hatred toward titans. She promised that she would eliminate all the titans. Elsewhere on the roads, Grisha drives his carriage with haste, hoping for the safety of his family. And Grisha hope that Evelyna will be fine.

In Evelyna's dream, she had meet her father and her father telling her everything that make her agree before he inject her. Also he wearing her a necklace before she passed out. Evelyna was wake up from that dream knowing that actually a real. She had look at the necklace on her neck make her suspicion about that dream actually right. She saw Eren look worry of her make her sigh as she told him do not worry about her. They were out to the food station and saw Armin running toward them bringing foods. He had give them food which Evelyna take bread before she said thanks to him. Evelyna had noticed two guards were looking at them with a disgusted look make Evelyna raised her eyebrows in annoyance as she have a feeling that they going to said something bad about them.

 Evelyna had noticed two guards were looking at them with a disgusted look make Evelyna raised her eyebrows in annoyance as she have a feeling that they going to said something bad about them

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Which prove her right when she heard of their talking make her boiled in anger. "Why do we have to share our food with outsiders? If the Titans are breaking through anyway, they should have eaten more, so there would be fewer mouths. Now there's just that much less food." Said a soldier make Eren feel rage. Before he went to kick them, Evelyna had beat him into it. She went to that soldier before she punch his stomach hard make his breath knocked out as he clench his stomach. As he held his stomach, Evelyna take advantage as she kick his face make him fall down on the ground. His friend was trying to help him by punching her but she quickly takes his hand and squeezes his hand as she swiftly turned her body letting her leg grab his neck before she pulled him down into a ground. She had locked his neck a few seconds before she quickly letting him as she kick him hard on his face. She was get up looking at two defeated soldiers who holding pain as Evelyna fight them.

They were look at her who have a dark look make them shiver in their spine. They were feel regret for talking in front of her. "What's your problem with us, huh? Did you give these food to us? No, you're not. Is those foods yours? No. Garrison soldiers were not only one give the foods to us. The other military like survey corps were also give foods for us. How dare you talking bad about us? Do you lose your family to titans? No. Did you see your family get eaten by titans? No. If your family were safe here and you never losing them, you should better shut your mouth. I should kicked you two to the titans for your bad mouth. You should be grateful that your life is not the same as others. But why would you? You two never feel losing anyone so you won't know that. You're such an arrogant soldiers who so coward fighting titans! So SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I MAKE YOU! UNDERSTAND?!" Said Evelyna darkly yet anger tone which make them nodded their head fearly before they running away.

Evelyna just let them go as she walked to her brother and her friend. Eren saw Evelyna scowl at him make him gulp knowing that he going to make trouble. The royal government tries to rectify the food shortage by having refugees cultivate land, but it is not enough. In the following year of 846, they use the refugees to launch a military campaign and retake Wall Maria, but it ends in disaster with about a hundred survivors from a total of 250 thousand soldiers. The food shortage has improved, but Armin's grandfather dies in the conflict. Evelyna had dragged Eren to somewhere else as she need tell him a truth. She had told him that she was a titan shifter make Eren shocked. Evelyna also told him about Grisha injected her. Eren had wonder why Grisha doing that but he know that Grisha have a reason why he doing that to Evelyna. Eren told her that he will keep her secret as he afraid that someone will kill his twin sister.

Evelyna also show Eren about her titan form so he will remember of her titan form. Eren was awe to see her titan form. He had told her that her titan form was cool. Evelyna sigh as she need to find answer about Grisha and injection. Back to Armin, Mikasa, Eren and Evelyna, they were decided to join the military training. They want to join the survey corps for revenge and their dream. Next year, they were part of the newly formed 104th Cadet Corps. As their commandant, Keith Sadies is giving them a lecture on their first day in training, Evelyna had look around saw a few people were in the field listening of Shadis. Evelyna had vowed herself that she will avenge her mother's death and kill all the titans. She also want to save humanity and protect them from death with her power of titan shifter.

'I will be the strongest soldier so I can fight and protect the people I care. I will save humanity. Just you wait, titans!' - Evelyna

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