You See What You've Done

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Third person POV

It's dark out. Angela had gone to the park to get some fresh air, but she hadn't realised that Glen had followed her. She stopped walking and sat down on a bench. She turned to her right and saw Glen standing by a tree with a menacing look on his face. "What are you doing here, Glen?" she asked him fearfully, "Oh, nothing much. Just wanted to talk," he replied with a sadistic smile and started moving closer towards the bench. Angela stood up, getting ready to run if needed. She had never seen Glen like this before. It frightened her. Glen was now standing about 3 meters away. He took his leather jacket it off and threw it to one side. Angela knew what was going to happen now. She should run away, but something inside was telling her to stay put.

Angela then stood on the path facing her brother. She tried to look confident but was shit scared of the inside. "So, it's going to be like this, is it?" Glen asked her, balling up his fist, making a ball of fire appear around it, "I guess so," she replied, trying to sound intimidating. Glen laughed and threw a ball of fire at her, which she quickly dodged by ducking down. "You missed," she said, standing up again. Glen ran up to his sister and tried to punch her. She put her hands up in defense and pushed him away. She then started singing a melody. 'You feel cold, brother,' she said in her head, Glen then started to shiver, and his flames went out. She took that as an opportunity to punch him in the stomach and kick him down to the floor. "Why are you trying to hurt me? I don't understand," she yelled at him, "because I hate you," he yelled back as he stood up, repowering his flames. He then swung at her again and hit her across the face. She fell to the ground, grabbing her face in pain.

"I hate you so much, I don't have a family because of you, I wish I never had a twin," Glen yelled, squatting down in front of Angela. She looked up at him and then kicked him in the face. He fell back, blood dripping from his nose. She got on top of him, putting her hands around his neck, trying to strangle him. He started coughing, trying to breathe. He then balled his fists up again, making flames appear and quickly held onto his sisters hands. She screamed out as he was burning her hands, and she let go of him. He then quickly pushed her to the floor, getting on top of her and putting his flame covered hands around her neck, choking and burning her. He was going to kill her.

Chaos' POV

I had gone out for a walk to think about that letter my mum had written me. I knew that if she was alive now, she wouldn't want me to do this stuff. Her and my dad always taught me to do the right thing, be kind to people, and you will receive kindness in return. If they were here, they would be so ashamed and disappointed in me. Maybe I should stop. Stop hurting and killing people to get information about those men. Maybe I should let it go, let my parents rest in peace. I want to honour them in every way I can. Be kind and loving like my mum and strong like my dad. I want to need to push all this grief aside and just live my life like how they would have wanted me to. From this moment forward, I am going to help people and do whatever I can to make things right again.

As I get to the park, I can see a couple of people, one on top of the other. They look like they are fighting. I then saw the flames and knew instantly that it was Glen and Angela. I ran over to them as quickly as I could. Glen was on top of Angela choking and burning her, "get off of her," I shouted as I pulled Glen away from Angela. I then knelt down, checking Angela's neck. She was burnt bad. I turned to Glen, who looked angry as hell "stay out of this Chaos," he said, looking at Angela like he wanted her dead. "No, what the hell do you think you are doing, Glen? She is your sister. Are you trying to kill her?" I said to him, standing up and walking over to him. he stood up as well and looked me dead in the eyes "yes" was all he said, and then tried to push me out of the way. I stood my ground and put my hands on his shoulders "but you love your sister Glen. Why try to kill her when you love her so much. This isn't you Glen, you support your sister, you do everything you can for her. all you guys have is each other," I said as I grabbed Glens hand and pulled him towards Angela who. She was still sitting on the floor. We both grabbed onto Angela and pulled her up from the floor. "You guys love each other. This hatred needs to stop now. This isn't who you guys are," I continued. "What if it is?" Glen asked me as he looked down at Angela's neck, I took a deep breath and knew I needed to tell them what happened "Saint put a spell on you guys, she wanted you to hate each other. Decided to cause a bit of mischief," I said, looking down at the floor. "What?!" Glen shouted, he was really angry "I can't believe her, how could she do this to us. I thought we were her friends. That's it. I'm going to kill her." Glen yelled out and tried to walk away, but I stopped him. "please don't do anything to her okay, we are going to talk to her and ask her to remove the spell and then we will tell The Guardian, please don't do anything to Saint Glen, please" I said to him hoping to get through to him. He shook his head and walked back over to Angela. We both put our arms around her and started walking back home. Glen stopped quickly to pick up his jacket.

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