Decide Up!

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A few weeks have passed, and they're now at the champion league

It is a pokemon battle between Gloria and Leon

Both Victor and Hop are spectating them since Hop has lost during competing and now is watching her battle his big brother

And, with some luck, she miraculously won the champion league of Galar

She has become an official Pokemon champion of Galar and dethroning the previous one that is Leon

The two were happy to see her has become the new region's champion

After it was over, they met up again in the meeting spot they promised


Hop: "You were amazing!"

Victor: "I would say it was quite an experience to see that battle,"

Gloria: "Thank you guys, I'm sorry if I beat your brother before you do,"

Hop: "No worries, there's still plenty of time for me to beat my brother in a Pokemon battle one day. It doesn't matter if he's champion or not, I'd still battle him,"

Victor: "At least you kept your positive attitude,"

Gloria: "Oh, and there's something I want to tell you guys,"

Hop: "What is it?"

Victor: "Is it something important?"

Gloria: "It's just that, I wanted to invite you guys to a party!"

Hop: "Party? You mean a celebration of the new champion?"

Gloria: "Yes! That's exactly what I meant,"

Victor: "I've never been to parties before, so this will be my first time,"

Gloria: "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Everyone there is probably going to be friendly anyway,"

Hop: "Yeah, the first time is going to be your good time!"

Victor: "Guess you convinced me enough to come over,"

Gloria: "Yay! It'd be great having you at the party, let alone being your first!"

Hop: "We'll have so much fun being there, so don't get worried about someone threatening you or any of us,"

Victor: "I will, I won't be that worried,"


They agreed to go to the party they were invited

Later that night, they gathered once again at the party. The party is located at a banquet hall in a hotel in Wyndon

The party has invited many people to congratulate the new champion which is Gloria

Victor and Hop were there to celebrate as well as congratulate her

But before the party started, someone came to the stage with a strange device with them 


???: "Attention everyone! I would like to meet with the champion,"

Everyone was confused by this random announcement but didn't think much of it

Gloria: "That'll be me,"

???: "Great, now come over here and I'll show you something,"

Gloria went on over to the stage while Victor is looking at the person and he feels he met that person before

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