Justin -
Age - 24
Sexuality- Gay / Dominant
Relationship Status- Single
Occupation- Gang Leader
Children- N/A
Kaleb -Age- 22
Sexuality- Bisexual / Soft Dominant
Relationship Status- Single
Occupation- Drug dealer / "Goofer"
Children - Kenny (Six months)
Background -
Their parents were both abusive, Kaleb became more fearful while Justin became more cold hearted. Both have had different ways they deal with their trama, Kaleb is more to himself a bit more cautious while Justin is outspoken and always prefers the upper hand. They made their way on the streets in their late teens, both brothers looked out for each other until one day a baby showed up with the mother wanting Kaleb to sign away his rights, both brothers shocked but Kaleb couldn't get himself to sign he feel hard for that baby . . . Justin isn't a baby person but would do anything for his brother. Both boys clueless what they are in for maybe they will get help along the way?