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Jungkook's pov

"Kookie why are you crying?" Tae asked me softly while wipping my tears as i held our little baby girl in my arms. Yes we had our fourth baby just a few hours ago and this is the first time i am holding her after her birth

She is just so beautiful and the feeling of holding my newborn child for the first time got me so much overwhelmed that i started crying without knowing.

Two months after our wedding we got the amazing news of tae conceiving again. The whole nine months of his pregnancy and of sending our triplet abroad for studies was one hell of a ride

Taegukk got selected in the Harvard University of business administration while junghyun got selected in the Harvard University of Law , jeongsuk got selected in Massachusetts Institute of Technology

I and tae are so proud of our kids. They cleared the extrance exam on their own capability and even earned a scholarship. Though we are highly capable of paying their fees but the authorities themselves added the scholarship because of our kids talent

They all had already shifted to Cambridge five months ago and they said they will try their best to come this month as it was tae's delivery month. They were already on flight when tae went in labour

Jimin hyung went to pic them up as i accompanied my pregnant husband to the hospital and after hours of extremely painful contraction our baby girl is here all healthy and beautiful

The first thing the doctor did was fangirl over our baby for few minutes and then praise my and tae's 'heavenly visuals' according to her. Even the nurses were like 'omg sir you daughter is so beautiful' and all

"I am just overwhelmed babe" i said chuckling caressing my little princess's soft cheeks as she slept soundly all snuggled up in my chest

"Can we come in" we heard our other babies voice as they peaked inside the room. Looks like they straight away came here from the airport

"Offcourse my bunbuns come in" tae said as the three came inside and stood behind me

"She is so pretty" taegukk said as he softly caressed our little princess's cheeks with the back of his thumb. My little doll smiled with eyes still closed at the touch

"Appa she smiled" taegukk squelled quietly jumping in tiny at his place. Taegukk was the one who was more excited for our doll's arrival. He even didn't wanted to leave for Cambridge but we had to make him understand

"Looks like she likes you a lot" i said caressing taegukk's head who gave me his enchanting boxy bunny smile which always warms my heart. Aren't my buns the cutest?

"She is so pretty , even prettier than this monkey" junghyun said and instanly got hit by jeongsuk. I shook my head while tae just sighed. These two always bicker like no tomorrow

"Bub wanna hold her" tae said when he saw taegukk starring at our doll with starry eyes

"No no what if i drop her or worst hurt her , she is so small and fragile no mumm-

"Baby come here" tae called taegukk cutting off his rambling, opening his arms for a hug while junghyun came and lightly kissed our little princess's head

"Baby you wont hurt her love, i know bun will never hurt her baby princess. Hmm now go hold her" tae said patting taegukk's back as i stood up to give taegukk our little ball of sunshine

He carefully like very very carefully held our princess and this little pretty doll quickly snuggled into her oppa's chest

"So cute" jeongsuk said as she lightly caressed baby's head and placed a kiss on the baby's cheeks

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