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Name: Y/n L/n

looks: look in the mirror

age: 15 years old 

personality: Kind, caring (to his friends) doesn't care about what happens, brutal(to his enemies)

Y/n is the youngest of the L/n family


but wears the jacket like this:

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but wears the jacket like this:

but wears the jacket like this:

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weapons: two tonfas :

Holds them in a boxing stance and uses the short end of the tonfas instead of using his knuckles to hit someone, he can use the longer sides and use them normally but prefers it this way 

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Holds them in a boxing stance and uses the short end of the tonfas instead of using his knuckles to hit someone, he can use the longer sides and use them normally but prefers it this way 

likes : sleeping, being alone, looking at the sky, fighting

dislikes : people who bother him, people who force rules onto him

hates : His family killer, people who make fun of his family 


D/n L/n : deceased 

M/n L/n : deceased 

S/n L/n : deceased 

B/n L/n : deceased

Backstory : When Y/n was born his family were not in a good situation they weren't making enough money to take care of everyone so they put Y/n in an orphanage where he was adopted by Sōichirō Kiryūin and Ragyo Kiryuin. Y/n was staying with them for 10 months until the L/n family got him back cause they managed to start making enough money to support everyone in the family. When Y/n was 15 he came home from school to see his house on fire and his family dead, Y/n looked up to see someone leaving the house holding a weird sword:

 When Y/n was 15 he came home from school to see his house on fire and his family dead, Y/n looked up to see someone leaving the house holding a weird sword:

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Y/n then swore that he would find the person who left his house that day and kill them.

Y/n wont use a goku uniform ever.

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