Chapter One:Story

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"Okay so tell me everything that happened.From the begging to the end."

"Okay um..well..It's all started right before college.........

I was super nervous about going to college even though I had everything all ready and prepared and my friends were gonna be there to help but..I just idk felt...scared..I mean it's college everyone is nervous but I felt something in my stomach that just wasn't right.Like something bad or good could happen...or both.

So it was the day before college and I decided to go to the mall for something to a first day of school outfit kind of thing.So I get in the car and turn on the radio because I can't drive without music.But then I hear "up next we have Cold Hearted by Jack and Jack." I had never heard of these guys before.I mean the names sounds familiar.Mostly because my friends were always talking about this guy Jack Gilinsky and how hot he is.

Anyways the song starts to play and it was the tune and then it was some kid singing but then I heard the voice."Hey I know who this is." I recognized the voice.My friends always showed me these vines about these two boys so I mostly recognized Jack g's voice because they would mostly show me the singing vines.

When I got to the mall the first thing I Did was go to Forever 21.That's where I first saw him.I was looking at the scarves trying to pick which one would go best with my shirt I got for school because there is no way in hell that I'm going to college looking like a mix matched freak-0 clown.I saw the perfect scarf.Its was white with pink flowers on it but the thing was it was on the top part of the wall where the scarfs are.So I tried getting on my pinkie toes trying to get it because I'm really short.

Then as I was failing to get it I heard someone say behind me "here let me get that for you." I recognized the voice.I see a big strong arm reach up and grab the scarf."Here you go." I turn around and faced the person who had helped me.I knew who he was right when I saw his beautiful brown a hair and eyes with his amazing jaw line."Thanks" I say and take the scarf out of his hand.

"No problem." he says with his deep sexy voice."So I'm Jack what's your name?"Rebecca" I say shyly.We talked for a-little bit.I was super nervous.I've never talked to someone before.After 10 minutes of talking I started to feel more comfortable with him.Like I've know him for years."Hey I was just wondering can I get your number." I was surprised when he asked me.It's not that I don't think I'm not pretty enough to get a guys number it's just amazing that a guy like that would ask for my number.

"Ya it's-" right when I was about to tell him my number the worst thing happened."Jack baby ready to go." some girl with black hair and the most annoying voice said coming up to Jack wrapping her arm around his.To be honest I felt a bit of jealousy and I didn't even really know the guy that much."Ya babe bye Rebecca it was nice talking to you."He said as he turned away.I hated to see him walk away with her.

Soon enough he was gone out of the store and I felt sad.I thought he liked me.Maybe he was just being nice.Just as I was about to walk to the cashier I saw him run towards me.He came back."hey sorry I just realized I never got your number"he said smiling.I gave him my number and then he left.Again.I don't know why I felt sad when he left.I mean I just met him,I guess I had a-little crush.

I paid for my things,went to a couple different stores,got food and went home.I went to my living room to put my stuff away.My little brother Dillon was there.We've never gotten along that well.Maybe because we are 5 years apart.Im 17 and he's 12 so it makes sense."Hey Dill" I say couscous.He can get a bit of attitude sometimes."Hey" he says staring blankly at his video giving me no attention what so ever.It made me sad to see him like that.Always on the video games just sitting there looking like a life-less zombie."Hey how about we go out tomorrow after school."I said to him trying to get something out of him."nah im good." he never had any other interest other than video games.Why do we just let him sit Like that all day?

I get up from the couch and head to my room.I take a quick shower and put I put on Some pajamas.I head to bed early because I had school in the morning.I got into bed and closed my eyes.Right when I was about to fall asleep my phone dings.I wake up and grab my phone.I was blinded by the brightness but my eyes got used to it.I look at my phone and a big smile pops up on my face.
From Unkown:Hey it's Jack.I had a nice time talking to you.Maybe we could meet up and do something.😊
To Unkown:Hey that sounds fun I'll text you when I can because I have school tomorrow.
After I text him back I change his contact.
From Jack😄:k gtg bye.goodnight
To Jack😄:bye goodnight to you too :)
I lock my phone and smile at the thought of me and Jack together.I went to bed but had trouble falling asleep.I was just so excited for tomorrow.Soon enough to I fell asleep and dreamt about tomorrow.I wondered what would happened if he...really liked me?

A/n:so this Is the first part of the book and I hope you like it.I just have to explain something.Rebecca is telling a story about her and Jack to someone so no smut or to much detail about every little thing so it might get bad but I have a lot in store so just keep reading.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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