Stomach ache pt.1 - Louis

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Louis POV:

We just arrived in a hotel after our concert. It's was late and everyone seemed exhausted. Harry took a nap on the way to the hotel even though Liam told him multiple times that he won't be able to fall asleep at night if he does now. But Harry ignored him, which is why he got out of the car with way more energy than anyone else present.

"Who do I share a room with?" he asked quite eagerly, walking up to me. We often shared a room, so I wouldn't mind sharing one again.

"We can decide that upstairs, can you please take your bag from me?" Liam whined which almost sounded like he was begging. For a moment I though he was about to put his hands together or go on his knees, but his hands were occupied with Harry's luggage that was placed under his seat during the ride. Liam put out his hand, holding a black bag. Soon enough Harry walked over and took the bag from Liam. Niall chuckled and walked up to me with his own bags and handing me mine.

"Here you go, we can already go to the room." He suggested while I threw my bag on.
"No you can't, I've got the keys." Liam added from the back, right as we were about to get going. I normally would have smiled or chuckled at the comment, but I just wasn't feeling like it now. I had a dull ache and an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach since about an hour. I didn't really let it bother me a lot, since I knew I could lay down soon anyways. I was just zipping up my jacket when I felt how bloated my stomach actually was. It was a surprise that none of the boys have pointed that out, since I'm pretty sure I looked pregnant. I felt a hand on my shoulder and took my hand off my stomach instantly. I didn't really want to annoy anyone with my stomach ache. They were all tired after all so I didn't want to just add another problem.

"What's wrong? Does your stomach hurt?" I heard a voice say, which sounded like Zayn's. I was quite surprised that it wasn't Niall. He seemed to stand right by me before I spaced out. I looked around only to see him talking to Liam.

"No, I was just spacing out." I lied, trying to sound the most convincing I could. Zayn looked at me and narrowed his eyes a bit, showing that he was suspicious of what I just said.

"Well, if you say so. Tell me if something feels off though, okay?" He walked off to Liam, clearly not believing what I said. The only thing I hoped for was that he wasn't going to tell the others.

Zayn POV:

I knew that Lou was lying, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable by asking more. The only thought that made me worry less, was that maybe he was just having a small stomach ache that wasn't worth telling anyone.

It was getting quite cold, so I decided to ask Liam to go to the room already. I also wanted to ask Lou to share a room with me later. Maybe in the elevator?

"Liam, let's go upstairs. It's getting cold."
I complained jokingly, whining a little. Liam nodded and started walking into the hotel, all the other lads following him. Was he too tired to talk? We all went into the elevator and I wanted to use my chance to ask Lou. But before I could do that, someone else started speaking.

Louis POV:

I was debating who to ask to share a room. Harry or Liam? It would usually be an easy choice, Harry. But Liam was always understanding and great at taking care of people. That thought gave me some comfort, although it quickly disappeared when I reminded myself that Liam is still tired. I didn't want to make him mad, so maybe Harry would be better since he was quite energetic after that nap.

"Harry?" I started, being nervous for almost no reason. I knew he would say yes anyways. He hummed in response, showing that he was listening.

"Can we share a room tonight?"
"Yeah, I actually wanted to ask you the same." He chuckled and put his arm over my shoulder, patting it slightly.

We got out of the elevator a while later and I let out a small burp. My stomach was too uncomfortable to keep it in.

"Don't worry about it." comforted Niall.

Time skip to the real action...

Harry POV:

We were lying in the separate beds in our room for a while now, but neither one of us seemed to be able to fall asleep. I really shouldn't have taken that nap. But unlike me, Louis' reason seemed pretty... Strange?

The whole time since we arrived Louis just seemed to not be able to stop burping? I get he could be gassy and feel some pressure, but after a certain time it got gross. I had to think of a way to ask him to stop without making him feel bad or embarrased.

"Louis?" I decided to ask what's wrong first. After all, maybe he really couldn't help it. "You seem to... Not be able to stop passing gas. Are you alright?"

Louis POV:

That questtion came unexpectedly. Was I bothering him? I was really desperate to get the gas out of my body, but it really might have been too much for Harry. I didn't blame him, I found myself pretty gross too. I realized there was no point in lying, because if I did he might have gotten mad and told me to stop being gross.

"Sorry... I'm really uhm..." For some reason I just couldn't say it. It seemed embarrasing and my face flushed red.

"Gassy? Nauseous?" Harry asked, sitting up and walking up to my bed, having a worried face expression.

"The first one. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I'll try to stop."

Harry's eyes filled with concern and for some reason sadness. He sat down next to me on my bed and put a hand on my hair, playing with it gently.

"No, it's okay. You have to let it all out or else you'll feel worse." He comforted and placed the hand on my stomach. I burped and covered my mouth. I didn't mean for it to look like I was about to throw up, I was just embarrased.

"Should I get you the bin?" He asked, ready to stand up. I shook my head no and placed a hand on my stomach. I really wanted it out, but I didn't know what to do now. Suddenly Harry placed a hand on my stomach too and pressed on it, which caused a belch to escape my body.

"Why would you do that? That's embarrasing..." I burped one more time and it seemed like the air from my stomach was gone. But now I felt my abdomen starting to hurt.

"It's not, it's okay. Listen, how about after this night we will just forget about it?" He suggested, but I was too busy letting out a small fart. My face instantly flushed red and I pulled the blanket over myself.

Part 2 coming soon
I'm tired, sorry if this story is bad 😭
I promise the requests will be better

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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