Jayk One Shot

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"I love you, Jayk." I had practiced these words many times in the mirror. Here I was actually saying them to him. I met Jayk when I was 15. I had just started high school and I was new to the town. My family had just moved to Las Vegas. He was the one of the few people who didn't think I was weird. I heard many rumors about him, but I refused to listen to them. Only I, knew the real Jayk. We became best friends pretty soon after I was introduced to him. One of the other people who I had made friends with that first day, Lakayla, had introduced us. She knew him because her brother, Skye, was one of his best friends. He shook my hand and gave it a gentle kiss. He looked at me like he was reading my soul. Those big brown eyes of his caused me many heartaches and problems, but I loved them, just like I loved every other part of him. His smile was one of those smiles that when you were having the worse day, they would make it all seem like nothing. "I'm Angel." My voice sounded nervous, but I didn't care. "Hey there, I'm Jayk. Are you going to be sitting with us today?" I followed his hands as he waved them over everyone else, as to introduce me to them. There were 4 other kids sitting at the table already. Not including Lakayla. I barely nodded and he grabbed my tray. He put it beside his and told Lakayla to sit on the other side of me. I looked around the table and saw many nice faces. There were three other guys and another girl. The first guy beside Jayk had black hair, and had the cutest dorky smile. He looked my way and gave me a wave. "That there is David. Beside him is Jewell. That's his best friend. Beside Jewell is Drew." Drew had black hair also, but his was longer and in spikes. David's laid flat and was short in the back and a little long in the front, just enough to give him somewhat of a bang. I looked over at Jewell. She was amazingly pretty. She sort of reminded me of a model from one of those magazines. Not the mean looking kind, but the girl next door/ big sister kind. You could tell she was one of the nicest people by looking at her. “Hi, I’m Jewell, as Jayk said. So where did you transfer from?” She asked. “Los Angeles.” I quietly answered. “Oh nice, I have a couple of friends from there.”  She turned towards David and gave him a little nudge on the elbow. As if to say, “Tell her something reassuring.”  I could already tell me and her were soon going to be best friends. After I realized Jayk was finished moving my tray, I sat down. Jayk gave me a reassuring smile and I knew that I was no longer going to be the “new kid”. I had friends now. I had a table to sit at now. “So what’s your schedule? Can I see it?” David took my schedule out of my hands and handed it to Jewell. “You could have asked her first.” She gave David a glare. She handed me my schedule back and asked if she could see it again. This time David asked before he took my schedule from my hands. “Ooh, you have the same language arts and math class as me. Finally I’ll have someone to talk to.” She smiled while saying this. “Hey, I have the same math class as you too.” David pouted. “Oh yea, I forgot.” She laughed and handed me my schedule back. After lunch I headed to my math class. “Hey, wait a second. I’ll walk with you.” I heard Jewell shout from behind me. I stopped walking and waited for her to catch up to me. “Do you care if David walks with us too?” I gave her a nod and heard him walk up behind us. “You don’t talk much do you?”

 He gently asked. "Nope." I replied with a smile.

From that moment on David and I had started something special, but I never forgot about Jayk. David and I soon ended up going out throughout all of my freshmen year, and his senior year. He left for college that summer after breaking it off with me. Jayk and Jewell was there to pick up the pieces. Jayk was my best friend still, but I started to feel something more.  We were both Sophmores. Our friendship soon became a relationship. We even went on one date. It was the best date I had ever been on. I loved Jayk, but I was afraid he wouldn't love me as I loved him back. That spring break David came back to visit his family. Once again I went to him, for I still loved him and I missed him. He had matured and said that he loved me still, and that he never forgotten about me. Jayk said that he was happy for me, but I saw the sadness in his eyes. I was sad too. I loved being alone with Jayk. He made me feel like David never could. My and David's relationship blossomed. We stayed in touch after he went back to college. Life rolled on and I soon forgot about my and Jayk's friendship. We grew apart as well as me and Drew's friendship. Drew always thought I belonged with Jayk. He got mad at me for not choosing him. It was my senior year when David proposed. Jewell was going to be my maid of honor, and Lakayla my bridesmaid. The wedding was all set up and we had made all the preperations. I invited Jayk to the wedding. He said he would try to make it. I knew that most likely he wouldn't. It reminded him of what almost was. The day of my wedding Drew called me and told me to meet him at the school. I arrived to find Drew holding a letter.

      My Dearest Angel,

  I have had to leave to go to an early college program in Russia. I have been excepted to Harvard. I am sorry I could not make it to your wedding. I would of probaly missed it anyways. I have always been jealous of David. He got you. I knew I loved you the moment I met you. I must say though, it makes me happy to see that you will end up like you wanted. That you have found your one true love. Maybe someday I will too, if I can ever get over you. You were my best friend, I am sorry we grew apart. I shouldn't of let my jealousy of David get between us. I still love you, and I always will.


                                                                                                         P.S. I love you.

I could feel the tears drop from my face. Here I was about to marry the wrong person. I loved Jayk, and I always would. Drew wrapped me in a hug and I knew that I had gone down the wrong path. I had chosen the wrong person. I grabbed my cell phone and called David.

"Hello?" It was not David. It was a female voice. It was Jewell. "Jewell?? Why do you have David's cell phone?" She didn't answer. I knew exactly what was happening. I heard David's voice in the back ground along with tires on pavement. "I'm so sorry Angel. I love him. We always have loved each other. We just didn't know it." She hung up and I cried even more. Drew took my phone and called Lakayla. She was on her way over. She jumped out of her car and grabbed me. She sped to the airport and I knew what she was doing. "Do you love him?" I knew exactly ho she was talking about. "Yes." For once I actually admitted it to someone other than myself. "Well then you should know. I knew he loved you from the beginning. I am sorry I never did anything." She sped as she talked. We finally reached the airport. I ran to the flight attendant and asked when the flight for Russia left. She replied saying, "I am sorry the last flight for Russia for today has taken off. Would you like to buy tickets for tomorrow?" What else could I do? I had to tell Jayk how I felt. Right as I pulled out my credit card out of my purse I saw Jayk heading out the doors of the Airport. He was running and I could barely catch up with him, but I did. Lakayla grabbed my stuff and said she would pick me up at the front gate if I didn't reach him. We were gonna follow him. I had to tell him. Finally when I caught up with him I grabbed his hand. "Jayk! Stop!" He stopped and he turned around to see me. I saw the happiness and sadness on his face. "Angel? What are you doing here? You have a wedding to be at." He grabbed my hand and led me to his car. I stopped him and told him. "Jayk the wedding was canceled. David ran off with Jewell." His face turned red with anger. "I'm gonna kill him next time I see him." I grabbed his face and kissed him. I kissed with more passion than I had ever kissed with before. I pulled away and saw the surprise on his face. "Jayk, I love you. I love you, Jayk. Not David, I'm sorry I didn't say it before. I thought you didn't love me as I loved you." He pulled me in another kiss and we jumped in his car. I didn't know where we were going and neither did he, but I didn't care. I had him. That's all that mattered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2011 ⏰

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