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It's been a few days since the incident but I decided I want to go to school because I'm dumb still don't know my 2 times tables but yeah anyways I was in the hallway walking to my class when I caught all eyes on me I wondered why they were staring at me like please stop yall are creeping me out

Jays POV: "I haven't seen him in days" he said talking to sunghoon on the phone waiting for him in the cafeteria
"Wait I think I see him I'm not sure though he look scared and tired wait I'll call you back"as he hangs up the phone and walks up to jungwon

"Hello jungwon are you ok"jay said to me calmly and worriedly

"I I Im ok jay please leave me alone" I said as tears started forming in my eyes

"Why are you crying"he said pulling me in for a hug whilst looking worried

"I don't want to talk about it" I said while crying on jays chest because he's so tall

"Oh ok it's fine you don't need to tell me if your not comfortable"

"Thanks for making me feel better a bit jay" I said smiling at him

"It's ok jungwon if you need me just call me" he said while giving me his number so can contact him when needed

After school

"Mum I'm home"I screamed as I got home

"Ok I'm in the kitchen making dinner can you set the table out for me please"

"Yes" I said annoyingly

"Thank you wonnie"

After dinner !!

"I'm going to Sunoos house" I said

"Be careful wonnie"she said giving me a worried look

"I will" I smiled


At sunoos house

"I still can't believe what happened to you on Thursday"niki said

"I know right it was scary I thought you was going to die" sunoo said

"Guys don't be dramatic I'm fine I just have to wear this bandage for a few months"I said whilst playing on my phone

"Let's watch a k-drama"Sunoo said obvi

"Ok what do you want to watch"

"Hmmm let's watch the eclipse"sunoo said excitedly

"Oooo yes let's watch that I've been wanting to watch that for a long time" me and Niki said

After watching the eclipse

"Bro that was so fun to watch"

Suddenly the door knocked
[ Sunoos mum answered the door ]
"Hello jay nice to see you again how's your mother"
"She's going fine"he said

"Why is he here" I said
"Well my mum said that her friends son is coming to stay for a week so that's probs why"sunoo spoke

"Nah that ain't funny I'm Supposed to be staying here as well my mum is going on holiday with my dad for there anniversary and they are staying there for a week nahhhhhh ugh"

He suddenly opened the door to see us threetalking on Sunoos bed.

"Hey guys" he said

"Hello jay nice to see you again"sunoo said while looking at me smirking

"Oi what are you looking at bro" I said

"Why hello there jungwon" jay smirked at me whilst saying that

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