Greatest Babysitters by Law

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Just a fun one shot I wanted to write.

Because I need more Satou & Conan & Takagi fics!
There aren't enough of them!

Was thinking about putting it into my DCMK; Story Collection book, but decided to publish this on its own as it's a one shot.

Hope you enjoy!


"Eh, babysitter?!" asked Conan in disbelief as he stared up at Ran with wide eyes. "I don't need babysitters!"

Ran sighed as she shook her head, but put her hands firmly on her hips as she leant down with a glare. "Yes, you do, Conan-kun," she responded firmly. "I know you're smart and all, but the trouble you keep stumbling upon has me worried. Otou-san and I need to go out, and kids weren't allowed."

"I still don't need a babysitter," grumbled Conan, crossing his arms as he glared at the side. He knew glaring at Ran would just make it worse, so better to face it away if he wasn't able to hold it back. "How old am I, exactly?"

"Yes, I know you're capable, even if seven, Conan-kun," said Ran softly as she crouched down to him with a small smile. "But I'm just worried... If something were to happen when either Otou-san or I are there..."

Conan turned to glance back at her. He could see the genuine concern she had for him, making him sigh in defeat. Now he knew he couldn't decline her. 'This's unfair...' groaned Conan inside himself, but turned with a small smile. "Fine, if it helps, Ran-neechan," he said in defeat, making her beam brightly. "But I want to know who."

Ran giggled at the stern look the boy gave her when demanding who it would be. She fully understood it, but even if he didn't, she would make sure that only those she deemed worthy would be the one to take care of the one she had come to love as an Otouto. Far too much had happened to him for her liking, and she would make sure the ones looking after him would be able to help with that. "Don't worry about that, Conan-kun," reassured Ran with a smile. "I got just the people."

"People?" asked Conan, and groaned. "Do I need multiple?!"

An amused laugh escaped the teen at his reaction, but she patted his head gently and shook her head. "You don't need multiple, Conan-kun. I just think having the two around would be more fun for you."

"Really?" asked Conan, tilting his head in confusion. His mind immediately began to skim through who those two people could be. Two people who worked well together and would entertain him.

Ran smiled down at the one she called her Otouto. He was already trying to find out who she was talking about. The look he had reminded her a lot of Shinichi. The two boys were so similar, and she was happy to have Conan with her when Shinichi was away for whatever case he was doing at someplace. "Don't worry, Conan-kun," she said, dragging Conan out of his thoughts. "I think you'll like it when they come."

"Ran! Come on! We're leaving soon!" yelled Kogorou from outside the door.

"Just a minute!" called Ran to the door before focusing on Conan again. "They'll be here at any moment, but I need to leave now. Behave and stay with the two, alright? Can you promise me that?"

"Hai~," answered Conan with a nod, but sighed. He really was getting babysitters... He just hoped Heiji never got to hear about this, hell, even Haibara. They would never let this go. "Take care of Oji-san, then, Ran-neechan."

"That's my job," grinned Ran at him, then stepped to the door. "Ittekimasu!"

"Itterasshai!" waved Conan widely as she walked out the door with a wave.

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