New Lead

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"So, Ryan.."

"It's Rain."

"Rain. What exactly are you doing here? I don't remember you in any of my classes." Mrs. Touxourou said.

"Mrs. Txr I guarantee you I need your help. Me and my friends are trying to uncover a personal problem of ours. It's very simple. All we want is just one look at a specific day and hour on the security camera footage. It's for my friend Kj. He fears being kidnapped so much he can't handle it, the poor thing." Rain faked.

Kj glared daggers at him as he played along and acted like an afraid puppy.

"Well why didn't you say so? Come, but don't tell any others I did this okay? Now what time exactly do you want?"


"Mint hair?" Lurrien questioned.

"Yep. That's the only thing we can see from the cameras. The suspect had Green-ish hair." Rain said.

"Well who do we know that has green hair?" Olg asked. "Also please let go of me Kj, you can beat up Rain later for making you do that."

"You ruined my first impression!" Kj snarked.

"Well we had to get that footage somehow!" Rain shot back.

"Okay, would you two stop fighting so we can get this straight! Alright. We only know one person with green hair." Vas said.

"Ash." They all collectively said.


"This better be good, freaks. I don't want to be seen with losers like you." Ash complained.

"Oh trust me, it's good alright." El said, guiding him to his house.

Opening the door, in the living room sat Ele, vas, olg, kj and nat watching some anime show with their faces plastered on the screen and hyperfocused on the funky colours.

"Okay, seriously? You had to come here to watch Free?" El complained.

"You have the best Tv out of all of us! Besides, we're almost at the end of the season." Ele said, holding a plushie of a blue haired guy in her arms comfortingly.

"Vetta please tell me you at least agree with me." El groaned.

"No, I was the one that let them come here. I love that show." Vetta replied, running a hand through her hair.

"This way Ash, sorry about the mess." El said, guiding Ash to a good spot for questioning.

"So what's all this about huh?" Ash questioned.

"Do you know anything about Kyrie?" El asked.

"Oh you mean that guy that switched schools a couple weeks ago? Yeah we hung out. Why?"

"How were his relationships with you guys?" El continued.

"Why should I tell you? After all,  you remember what happened in the past between our group and yours." Ash snapped .

"Because if you don't, both we and you are in serious danger. We could get killed or go missing too." El whispered.

Ash looked at El dumbfounded. "I don't know if I believe you but I'd rather not die. Kyrie was friends with most of us but him and Aggelos had a serious thing going on for a while. No one knew how it ended. Kyrie mentioned something about cheating though."

"That's perfect. Ok thanks that's all I needed you for. Have a good day." El said, showing Ash to the door and slamming it on him.

"Okay Rain he's gone you can come out!" El shouted.

"Is he gone? Man that guy gives me LITERAL chills." Rain said, peeking out from under the blanket on the couch next to Kj.

"I got all the intel We needed. I'll lay it out for you tommorow at lunch." El said.

"Ele if you don't stop quoting the lines I will kick you out of the house. " Vetta threatened as Ele was having the time of her life on that HD TV.

"What was that? Can't hear youuuuu!" Ele shouted.

"That's it you little shit-" Vetta got up from the kitchen where she was sitting and immediately ran for the couch where Ele sat. Ele made a run for it and bolted somewhere in the house.

"Kj!!!! Go get her, I am too tired."

Kj ran after Ele and she could be heard screaming something in japanese.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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