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It was so familiar to both of you: the wavering tree branches that you had bumped into so many times, the insects that lived in the vegetation, the surprisingly low amount of people that wandered around.

"Nostalgic, huh?" you asked, when both of you set foot in the park. You pointed at a nearby patch of trees, "I remember hitting those trees a lot when you were trying to teach me how to serve."

Akira smirked, "poor trees. They didn't deserve your wrath."

"No, they didn't," you agreed.

Something caught your gaze, and you walked over to it—confuddled. There was a group of people in bright orange vests inspecting the area and arguing among themselves. You scowled at them, curious to what they were doing with their trucks and other tools.

"What are they doing?" you asked Akira nervously.

He shrugged, walking over to one of the men, exchanging quiet murmurs politely. Kunimi's expression didn't give away much since his face always seemed to be in a permanent scowl, but you felt anxious nonetheless. Nobody really went to the park, so what could those people possibly want?

"So?" you asked, as Kunimi came back.

"It says they're going to level the park," he told you, frowning. "Some rich person bought the space. They were excited to sell it off, since no one comes here very often. 'Better use the space to make something people will actually make use of,' they said."


"Yeah, exciting."

"So what are they going to turn the park into?" you asked, ignoring Akira's sarcasm. You were feeling down, but not entirely surprised. You supposed this ought to have happened eventually, so it wasn't as shocking as it might've been.

"Some kind of mall, I think," Akira informed. "They want to make good money out of it."

"But what about the people who do go to the park?" you grumbled. Not being surprised didn't mean you were upset about this decision—this had been your childhood escape place after all. This park had been your home.

"Not enough I guess," Akira guided you away from the men in the bright orange uniforms. "But they won't do it until after New Year's, so we've got a while."

"I suppose."

"What did you want to tell me?" he asked curiously. "Something so important you had to drag me to the park for it?"


You pulled out a canvas from your bag, your hands trembling just a little as you handed it to him.

It was of two manta rays swimming through a burning sunset, surrounded by little nick nacks you had drawn in painful detail despite their small size. It was truly one of your most impressive pieces, and you were especially proud of the clouds. In little wisps here and there, but still portraying their fluff and depth.

"It's yours," you told him, trying to hide your flaming blush. "It's a little sad because of how they're leveling the park, but I figured it was probably the best place to give it to you."

Akira blinked in surprise, inspecting the painting, then burst into a lighthearted laugh.

"What?" you stepped back, feeling more than embarrassed. "It's not funny! I'm being genuine!"

"Who in the world stuffs a painting in their school bag?" Akira wondered, wiping away a tear. He scanned the canvas, eyes searching and excited like a kitten. "And is that a cicada? Is that a symbolism of your desperation for world domination?"

"I–I, forget it!" you shouted, covering your face—which was growing extremely hot—in your hands. "I wouldn't have given it to you if you were just going to laugh!"

"So why did you give it to me?" Akira asked. "Is it a holiday or something?"

"I wanted to apologize."

"An apology?" Akira tilted his head, looking a little disappointed. "For what?"

You raised an eyebrow, finding his oblivious attitude rather adorable. "For being such a petty idiot that couldn't get anything through her thick skull. Or her mouth."

"I see what this is about now. It's not about the apology, is it? You're finally admitting that you're an idiot," Akira sniggered when you glared at him. He shrugged. "Honestly though, when have you been petty?"

You sighed, rubbing your temple as you reminisced on the many moments where you had been a jerk.

"Um, let's start with that day you thought I was ignoring you," you said.

His eyes immediately darkened, and you could tell he clearly remembered. "That day when you insisted you didn't know anything?"

"I was rather a hypocrite, wasn't I?" you smiled wryly at your own behavior. "In elementary school, I was literally so mad at you for avoiding me, yet I was trying to do the same thing."

"Different reasons," Akira shrugged. "You weren't wrong at that time—I was rather jealous of you."

"But I should've realized how rude I was being. I didn't really get jealous that much back then, so I didn't really understand what you were feeling," you admitted. "So, I'm sorry for that too."

"Do you get jealous now?" he inquired.

"Yeah, it's a terrible feeling," you muttered. "Never wanna feel it again. Ever."

Akira sat down, and you followed suit. A few seconds of quiet passed by, until Kunimi asked with suppressed curiosity, "who were you jealous of?"

You tried to think. There were quite a few times, but if you had to say, the time you felt most jealous was because of...


"Yui?" Akira scoffed. "Of what? Her looks? You're pretty, too."

Your heart jumped. How could he say that so effortlessly? You would be blushing all over and stuttering too—too flustered to even speak properly. You tried to ignore your reddened cheeks and answered Akira, "No! Of course not!"

"What were you jealous of then?"

"The fact that you were talking to her so nicely."

Akira stared at you, then laughed again, rolling his eyes."Seriously?"

"I know," you said, not daring to look him in the face. "It was dumb. But it's true."

"And was that the reason why you were ignoring me?"

"No!" you protested. "I'm not that petty."

"Oh, really?" he teased, his smirk not leaving his face. "You literally got jealous of someone because I was being polite to them! Do you get jealous of my teachers as well—jealous of my seniors?"

How could you tell him that it was because Yui was a girl—a stunning girl that contained traits you could never have, no less. Simple, you couldn't.

"Shut up," you whined. "The reason I was avoiding you that day is because I was confused. Honestly, I had just gotten you back, and I was scared you would get hurt again. I thought that it might be better to distance myself from you, so you wouldn't miss me again. I was also really afraid of losing you."

Akira paused, clutching the canvas between his hands tightly. "That was an awful plan, you know?"

"Yeah, I do now," you said.

"Most idiotic of idiots," he confirmed. Then, perhaps seeing your hesitant look, he said, "You're not going to lose me."

"I'm not?"

He let out a small chuckle, then put a hand on your head, ruffling your hair gently. "You're not. See? I'm right here."

"You're right here," you repeated, then smiled. "Yeah, okay."

A/N: The two arguments they referenced was from chapter 7 and chapter 26 if anyone forgot. I know I did lol. T_T

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