Friendship is magic part 1

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( Just to let you know I will be gender bending some characters while with others not, so I might or might not gender bending Princess Candance)

The scene begins with a voice telling a story, through a story book with images of earth pony's, unicorns, pegasus and Alicorns.

Voice: Once a upon a time on a magical land of Equestria

We see a drawing of two male allcorns stand side by side on a cloud.

Voice: There was two regale brothers who ruled together and created harmony for all the land.

Voice: To do this the eldest used his uncorn powers to raise the sun at dawn.

We then see drawing of the elder brother  with the sun Raising behind him.

Voice: The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

We then see the younger brother with the moon rising behind him.

Voice: Thus the two brothers maintain balance for their kingdom and the difference kind of pony's.

We still the two brothers circle around like ying and yang.

Voice: But as time went on the younger brother became resentful.

The younger brother looks at the pony's having fun in the day with jealously while his eyes glowed.

Voice: The pony's relished and played in the day the elder brother brought fourth.
But shuned and slept through his beautiful night.

We then see pony sleeping with the moon up.

Voice: One fateful day the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn.
The elder brother tried to reason with him.

We then see the elder brother trying to reason the younger one.

Voice: But the bitterness in the young once heart has transformed him into a wicked stallion of darkness.

We see that the youngest didn't listen and transformed into a dark furred stallion with light blue roman helmet, light shoes, chest plate and short wist flowing main and tail.

Also he had Slit eyes.

Voice: Dark horse Knight.

Then lighting and Thunder was them heard.

Voice: He vowed he will shroud the land in a enternail night.

We see pony's panicing in the book with the moon up.

Voice: Reluctantly the eldest brother harnest the most powerful magic known to ponyvill.
The elements of Harmony!

We then see six magic gems.

Voice: Using the magic of the elements of Harmony,  he deafed his younger brother and banished him permanently to the moon.

We see the elder brother using the elements and make a rainbow blast at Dark horse Knight before sealing him away in the moon.

Voice: The elder brother took responsibility.

Then Dusk shine voice took over ( male version of twilight sparkle)

Dusk: For both sun and moon and Harmony have been maintained in Equestria for generations since.

We then see the elder brother taking in the responsibility of the sun and the moon with the pony's in the book cheering.

We then zoom out seeing a purple uicorn stallion with short hair and tail was reading the story.

( You can look up the male version of the characters on Google)

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