
978 14 0

3rd person POV

' 𝘉𝘶𝘻 𝘣𝘶𝘻 𝘣𝘶𝘻 ' Kiyoomi groaned, rubbing his eyes with his free hand, his other wrapped around his lover. He slowly reached over, grabbing his phone wondering who the hell was bothering him this early. The message was from Meian, letting the team know that practice was cancelled due to bad weather. ' Bad weather? ' He thought to himself, peering out his window. Looking out the small gap of the curtain the clouds were grey and he could now hear the sound of rain pouring down on their rooftop. Atsumu shuffled around, his grip tightening on the raven hairs shirt. Sakusa set his phone back down and begun to rub small circles on the false blondes back. 

" Mmm...Mornin Omi.. " He yawned into Sakusa's chest, earning a chuckle from the other.

 " Morning Tsumu. Practice is canceled today due to bad weather. " He smiled as Atsumu had his chin on Sakusa's chest, looking into his eyes. He hummed, yawning once more causing Sakusa to scrunch up his nose in disgust.

" Your breath stinks. Go brush your teeth. " He gagged, pushing the fox like boy off off of him. 

" Yer so meannn. " Atsumu whined, dragging the ' n '. He stood up, crossing his arms against his chest. He drug himself into the bathroom, causing Kiyoomi to chuckle once more. He got up himself, making his way towards the pouting blonde. He slithered his arms around his waist, reaching over for his toothbrush and toothpaste. Atsumu watched as Sakusa applied the bright teal and white toothpaste on his toothbrush, sticking it into his mouth. He brushed in a circular motion, resting his chin on the blondes head. Atsumu spit out the collected spit and toothpaste residue before speaking up.

" Omi let go yer gonna get toothpaste on ma head. " He furrowed his eyebrows, unhooking Sakusa's hands from his waist. He slipped away from the tallers grip and pranced back into their room. Sakusa rolled his eyes, spitting out the toothpaste residue .


" Get off me ur heavy ! " Atsumu screeched as Sakusa plopped himself ontop of the blonde. 

"No can do, im comfy right here. " He smirked, getting himself comfortable. Atsumu groaned in defeat,.continuing to text his twin. Sakusa swatted the phone out of Tsumu's hand, causing him to gasp. He threw his phone onto the night stand, pulling his lover deeper into his grasp. Atsumu smiled and gave his forehead a sloppy kiss. He then continued to pepper his face with little pecks, purposely missing his lips. Sakusa grew annoyed as the craving for a kiss grew. He clicked his tongue before grabbing Atsumu's jaw and smashing his lips onto the blondes plump ones. The smaller whined underneath him as he deepened the kiss. Atsumu wrapped his arms around the largers neck, pulling him closer. Kiyoomi pulled away, quickly swapping spots with the blonde, gently setting him on his lap pressing their lips together again. Atsumu scooted in closer, causing their torso's to press against one another's. Sakusa pulled away, gently cupping atsumus face, admiring how much of a mess the blonde looked. His plump red lips parted as he tried catching his breathe, his cheeks flushed and his hair still a mess from waking up. The raven haired grinned at the sight, planting a quick peck on the others lips pulling him onto his chest as he laid down. Atsumu looked up at him, a scowl covering his face.

" I hate you sometimes. " He grumbled, digging his face back into his neck. Sakusa barked out a laugh as he gently squeezed Atsumus luscious thighs. 

" I love you too Tsumu. " He gently kissed his forehead, pulling the comforter over the two of them. Oh how he was whipped.

First chapter of this oneshot! Pls give me ideas for future chapter! 😭


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