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(This is going to be a bit of a time skip, Y/N has been taking defense classes I forgot to mention it last chapter BUT it's the main focus for this one.)



It's been a couple months since Valentine's Day. It was such a great night, and of course Mei wanted to know everything. I left out what had happened between me and Minoru. I didn't want her prying too far.

However, today also marked an important test. My first test for my defensive courses I'm required to take now. This isn't part of the school curriculum, but Principle Nezu managed to pull my strings. I've been learning from some of the Hero Course teachers and a few of the better performing students.

I particularly don't like when Katsuki is teaching me. He is way too intense. It's almost like he didn't want to be a part of this since he keeps referring to me as a 'fucking extra'. That's okay though because my name for him is 'pin prick'!

As I finished changing into my gym clothes, I heard a banging on the door. "Y/N, it's almost time!"

I walk out to be met with Mr. Aizawa. He had his classic yellow sleeping bag in hand. "I'm ready."

He nods and we start walking. "You're not going to want to wear that mask of yours today."

"Sir, may I ask why?"

He stops and looks me in the eyes. "With this being a test there will be no holding back and I don't think you're going to replace that thing again."

It took me a second to realize what Mr. Aizawa had just said made perfect sense. He held a hand out and I placed my mask in his hands. "Thank you, you'll get it back when you're done."

I took a deep breath. I didn't know who I was going up against today.

"Oh, before I forget, you're going to be going up against a Pro." I could tell in his voice he was very irritated when he said 'Pros.

Before I could ask, Present Mics voice boomed into the test room.
"Yeeeaaah! Who's ready to see a student kick a Pros butt!" Geez, he's very loud.

Silence, is there even anyone here to watch? I know this is more of a closed test but it would be nice for other people to cheer me on besides teachers.

"In one corner we have Y/N! Her Quirk is Lie Detector! It's basically in the name of what she can do! We are here to see if she's progressed since being kidnapped by the League of Villians!"

"Mic! Stop bringing that up!" I could feel the aggravation Aizawa had just from hearing about that painful memory.

Present Mic clears his throat. "Sorry! But anyway, in the other corner we have the Number 2 Pro Hero...HAWKS! No need to introduce his Quirk because we all know it thanks to Izuku constantly talking about everyones Quirks!"

A red winged man was standing nonchalantly against the wall across from me. "Hey there baby birdie."

Ew. "I'm not your baby birdie, I'm a student you pervert!"

A chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh? But you've been hanging out with that weird kid Mineta and I've heard about what comes out of your mouth without that mask on."

"Hey hey! No need for the yelling!"

"BUT YOU'RE ALWAYS YELLING!" Everyone joined in against Present Mic.

"Fine.." He grumbled. "Now, who's ready to ruuuummmblllleeee!"

*3rd person(fighting scenes will always be 3rd, just a side note from now on)*

Once Present Mic announced the start of the test, Y/N and Hawks circled each other. All of the teachers had been watching Y/Ns progression since getting out of the hospital. She had gotten better but the point of this test was to make sure she could defend herself against a stronger opponent. They all knew of her ambition to join the police force after graduation so this would definitely help to move her towards that goal.

After what seemed like forever, Hawks made the first move. He wasn't going to back down just because this was a student. He sent some of his feathers flying at her while keeping his distance. He couldn't let her get near or it would be a quick fight. A losing fight.

Y/N dodged some of the feathers while others lifted her up a couple feet off of the ground. She was able to quickly escape by using a swinging motion. Unfortunately this did rip the shoulder of her shirt. With each Feather that was sent her way, she either grabbed and threw them back or dodged to the best of her ability.

Y/N had managed to get close enough to Hawks to be able to initiate a physical fight. Hawks had turned some of his feathers into a short pole, not like his usual since this was against a student. Nezu had told him what would happen if he brought more than enough harm to Y/N than what Recovery Girl could fix.

Mistake one, Hawks had tried to fly upward. Y/N grabbed him by the ankles and slammed him to the ground. Not only had the been physically training, she'd also been training her muscles so that it didn't matter who she went against.

As the fight continued on, some of the teachers mumbled to each other.

"She's improved so much since the kidnapping, don't you think?"

"Of course she had, and she's picked a wonderful career that would be beneficial to her Quirk!"

"If she was smart enough to grab Hawks before he could fly away from her, then she has my recommendation for the police academy after graduation!"

Before Y/N could land the final blow on the Pro Hero, Hawks threw up a hand. "Hey, I surrender!"

Y/N activated her Quirk. Red, he's lying. "No you don't. I'm not stupid birdbrain!"

She landed the final blow to Hawks jaw, he stumbled back. His area quickly changed to green. "Now you're ready to surrender."


Claps were heard from the teachers.

Y/N was exhausted, as she turned to leave a hand fell on her shoulder. She looked back to see Pro Hero Hawks. "Good job today kid. If you ever need a reference, look me up."

As he walked away, Y/N couldn't help but to feel something off about him. The Number 2 Pro Hero had something to hide, and even if it took her years she would figure it out.


Yes, I know, it was kind of a sucky fight. I'm still a little rusty from not making fanfiction in a few years.

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