when he yells at you

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The main door swung open and in stumbled Min Yoongi looking quite distraught and under the weather. To say that he was stressed was beyond the understatement of the century. This day in particular had been nerve-wracking for him, especially since he had spent countless hours in the morning practicing the new choreography with the boys which was undeniably hard and tricky to master. 

It didn't help that they had a new instructor who was too strict and callous for their taste; always scrutinizing every step with a spiteful comment and demanding many retakes in between hours. As he stepped into the airy living room, he ruffled his messy chocolate hair in an attempt to shake off the splitting headache he was having. It didn't work. 

He let out a heavy breath and looked up at the footsteps that came thudding down the staircase. He recognized them at once to be the familiar ones of yours. You happily came down the staircase upon hearing the front door open and slam shut. Upon seeing the weary face of your boyfriend, you leaped into his arms before capturing his body in a loving embrace.

"Hey, baby! I'm so glad you're back home." you giggled, squeezing his body tightly against yours, showering him with all your pent-up love and affection for him because you had missed him so much.

"Hey, honey..." he said, his voice sounding worn out as he wrapped his arms around you in return. Despite his heart soaring with love and happiness to see you again after spending so many hours apart from you, his body couldn't even muster enough energy to give you a proper wide smile.

However, he tried his very best to mask his drained emotions in an attempt to not worry you. Pulling apart slightly, you leaned over to kiss his cheek lovingly. "How was work today, babe?" you grinned expectantly at him. You failed to notice the creases of exhaustion etched upon his face.

Yoongi let out a huge sigh before giving you a tight smile. "Work was extremely hectic, honey," he grumbled, sliding his hands deep inside his pockets. "But I'm glad to be back home with you."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, love." you crooned, moving over to take his hands in yours before giving them a tight squeeze. "How about I make you some coffee and you can lie down for a bit?"

Yoongi couldn't help but grin at the suggestion. A warm steaming mug of freshly roasted coffee sounded simply delightful. It would be the perfect antidote for his headache that almost felt like making his head burst wide open.

"Coffee sounds amazing, love. Thank you," he murmured softly to you before leaning down to press a tender kiss to your forehead.

Smiling softly, you blushed at the gesture. "Okay then, I'll go make you some. Be right back!" With that Yoongi watched as you ran off to the kitchen. The clinking of porcelain mugs followed suit as you started to get everything ready to make coffee for the two of you.

Yoongi grinned feeling extremely lucky and grateful for having such a caring girlfriend as yourself. Flopping down on the couch, he flipped out his phone to go through the texts that he had missed throughout the day due to how busy he had been with everything. He swiped through the messages from the management, the instructors informing him of the new practice times for next week, and some texts from his fellow members.

His eyes widened as his attention fell on one particular text that stood out from the rest.

"This can't be happening," he grumbled to himself in frustration before moving over to drag himself off the couch and heading in the direction of the kitchen in search of you.

"Babe!" he called loudly, his voice reverberating around the hallway walls. Shuffling over to the kitchen, he was met with the sight of you pouring some steaming coffee into two mugs by the counter. You tensed upon seeing him by the doorway, glaring at you with an irritated expression with his phone held up in his hand.

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