I Will Always Protect You (requested)

69 6 48

This chapter contains depiction of violence

"Pleasure to have you ladies dining with us today." The friendly waitress chirped with a beaming smile as she came over and stood by your candlelit table. "Is there anything else I can get you three?" she cheerfully offered.

"Mhm, thank you but no." you politely declined as you gulped down the last of your pasta before placing the utensils on the empty plate with a gentle clink. "We're stuffed, aren't we girls?" you giggled, smiling at the waitress and then at your friends who sat opposite to you.

"Yup, we're full to the brim." one of your friends chuckled, gently pushing her half- eaten plate across the desk and leaning back into the plush seat of the booth.

"We had a great time tonight and the food was amazing." said your other friend to the waitress while reaching out for her half filled glass of wine.

"Thank you. It's our pleasure." the waitress said, reaching across the table to clear your plates before skillfully balancing them on the palm of her hands.

"I wish you girls a pleasant night." she softly said before gliding away with the empty plates balanced on her hands.

"Erm, shall we get going?" you asked, soundlessly pushing your chair back so that you could stand up straight.

"Yep, let's go." both your friends chorused, as they stood up and reached for their fur coats that laid hung over the back of their chairs before joining you out of the restaurant.


As the three of you stepped outside, the chilly nighttime breeze wasted no time with enveloping your group in a frosty embrace. With occasional shivers rippling down your bodies, the three of you were glad that each and everyone one of you remembered to bring along their warm fur coats.

Laughing and cheerfully chattering away, you and your friends made your way to the end of the sidewalk before you fished out your phone and unlocked the screen.

"I better call an Uber for the three of us." you said as you searched for the app on the screen before abruptly stopping in your tracks.

"Sure, but better hurry girl. Cuz I am gonna shoot icicles at this point." one of your friends playfully teased you as she clung as tightly as she could to the lapels of her coat.

"Oh," you mumbled to yourself in surprise as you swiped your finger across the screen.

"What's going on?" one of your friends piped up, hugging her amber coat tighter against her petite frame. 

"Nothing," you dismissed with a smile. "It's just that I have a missed call from Yoongi. Probably because I kept my phone on silent."

"Your boyfriend?" your friend asked, now starting to furiously rub her hands together to generate a sufficient amount of warmth.

"Yup," you replied. "But don't worry. I'll call him back during the ride home." 

With that you wasted no time with opening the Uber app before hailing a ride. Just as you were about to confirm your request, a thunderous and deep voice from behind you caught your attention.

"Hey, girly!"

Turning around, you silently gasped at seeing two lanky men looming over the three of you. They were both staring right dead at your widened eyes with a huge sinister grinned plastered across their faces.

 You watched in silent horror as the two of them slowly moved their yellow eyes up and down your figure, examining you from head to toe before moving onto your friends, and as they did so, one of them started to slowly lick their dried lips with a bright red tongue. 

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