Chapter 19 : The City of Love

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Location: Paris, France

Paris. The city of love. The city of Eiffel Tower. The city of Croissants. But for Izuku and Melissa, this is the city of new beginnings. This is the city where they take their first steps into the world of being peacekeepers on a global stage. The orderly movement of traffic at the evening hours feels like a lullaby and for an insomniac like Izuku, he himself was very much tempted to take a short nap like his girlfriend sitting next to him. The young adult couldn't help but smile as the freshly brunette dyed hair of his significant other sprawled across her face, some over her eyes, some in her mouth and honestly speaking, Izuku found it very cute.

"Do you know how to ride a moped?" Jacob, who was sitting in the driver's seat asks.

It effectively breaks the young man out of his reverence of his beautiful girlfriend and he replies, "I believe it's similar to riding a bike, you know without pedals and an accelerator".

"Yeah... if you know how to ride a bike, then a moped is easy to get used to. You just have to maintain the balance and from there it is smooth as sailing", Jacob replies back.

"I wouldn't call sailing smooth", Izuku replies back to which the man couldn't help but chuckle.

"But you get my point right?" Jacob asks with a grin and Izuku couldn't help but grin back.

"Do you have a preference? Like Vespa or Honda?" Jacob asks.

"I prefer something economical. Maybe an electric one", Izuku replies back and the agent of WCRF simply nods.

For a minute, the silence fills the car, except for the humming of the engine in the background, and suddenly, Izuku asks, "Why are you asking me this stuff?"

"Traffic in Paris tends to get hectic sometimes. So owning a moped is a very logical thing to do. Don't worry, we are funding it for you", Jacob says to which Izuku couldn't help but chuckle and he jokingly asks, "In future I might need an aircraft. Will you guys fund it for me?"

"Sure!" Jacob replies happily and Izuku is flabbergasted by his enthusiasm.

"Can you speak French?" Jacob asks.

"Yeah.. learned it from a friend", was the reply Izuku gave. The young man was very much grateful to Pom for teaching him her national language. The empath quirk woman made sure that he was up to date with his language and the only complaint was the fact that according to other French speakers at Tartarus, Pom's French was very much rural. But she flipped them a bird and told them that people didn't mind her accent when she was living in Paris. In fact, it was Pom's idea to make Paris his first destination.

"That empath woman?" Jacob asks.

"How did you know?" Izuku asks.

"Read your file. Out of a few friends, she is the only one who knows French", was the reply the agent gave.

"There is a file on me!?" Izuku asks with shock and it causes Melissa to wake up from her nap. Jacob, noticing the young woman wake up, replies, "Well yeah... Every potential member has a file on them. You know... for protocols and other stuff".

"Well that sounds encouraging..." Melissa says with a yawn as she fixes her hair, and both Jacob and Izuku didn't know whether she was genuine or sarcastic.

"Don't worry about your information going public. WCRF has taken necessary protocols to make sure that never happens. As much as people know, Izuku is still in Tartarus and you just disappeared into thin air", was the reply Jacob gave. A moment of silence grows and the agent slows the car down to a halt. The three of them climb out the vehicle and Izuku opens the boot to remove Melissa's luggage. He didn't have much luggage himself considering the fact that he was coming directly from the prison. The only clothes he had right now was the one he was wearing and the clothes he was arrested in, later not fitting him since he grew a lot in prison. So the first thing he was going to buy was clothes for himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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