Introduction 2

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Kim lalisa-very hot cute helping hand of Jennie works at her dad's company and never mess with her she is only good with her family she is a very good fighter she is the girlfriend of jungkook
Sibling - rose Jennie jisso

Kim Jungkook - hot handsome works with his hyungs he is very good in karate girls droll over him but he doesn't give any attention to them boyfriend of lisa
Sibling - taehyung jin jimin

Kim Rose - hot very cute works with Jennie she is a very good sniper she is great in boxing 🥊 engaged with jimin
Sibling- lisa Jennie jisso

Jimin - sexy cutey lovely 😀 handsome flirty another helping hand of taehyung he is also very good in karate

Jennie and taehyung 's parents intro
Jennie 's dad - 2 nd biggest mafia in the world wants that all her daughters get married at kims like jisso
Jennie 's mom - beautiful wants to get all her daughters to be happy she is the best friend of taehyung 's mother
Taehyung's mom - loves her sons and her daughter in law also her soon to be daughter in laws wants her son to marry with kims best friend of Jennie 's mother

To be continued 😊💞
Taehyung's father intro is same as Jennie 's father

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