//C.C. Dudek//
Jelly man, offspring.
Offspring, Jelly man.
-CrushWell if you can't tell I love Disney/Pixar movies. Always have and most likely always will. The other day my friend and I quoted almost the whole movie, actually. But honestly I just thought it would be a cute way to start this.
I am currently living on my own in a one bedroom place with a roommate and five animals. Yes, we are the crazy dog/cat ladies that everyone talks about becoming. We're just a couple decades ahead *insert laughing emoji here*.
As the description says, I'm not the most girly girl out there. In fact, in seventh grade gym class while all the girls were playing duck, duck, goose I was kicking shins with the guys (otherwise known as soccer). I hope you enjoy the little story's that tell of my "fail at being a girl" moments. Although, you would've had to been there.
-Please Enjoy, Leave Comments, Whatever-