Chapter One

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"I think guys are officially born from another fucking planet, its the only answer at this point" my best friend Katie said. She took out her sandwich and started eating.

I laughed at her crazy theory. "Let me guess? Dylan hasn't asked you out to the winter formal yet?" I accused. Katie had been chasing Dylan for two months, she's convinced herself they're going to become the prom king and queen our senior year. But she still needed him to ask her out for winter formal to even achieve that goal.

She let out a huge sigh. "I don't get it! I've been giving so many hints since two months ago, is this guy dense or something?" she groaned.

"Maybe he's just not interested" I took a bite of my pasta. I looked around to see Dylan laughing with Alex Knight, his best friend. "Honestly Katie, Dylan is one the most popular guys at this school, maybe you should start focusing on some other cute guys"

She threw her carrot at me. "No way! Dylan and I would make the perfect couple, we both want to be teachers and we both want to attend NYU, how perfect is that?" she pouted. I rolled my eyes and just dropped it.

Katie McDonald and I had been best friends since we were in the womb, our mom's had been best friends since college and raised us like sisters. Katie was beautiful with her long black hair and hazel eyes, she could easily be a model if she wanted to. All the guys at school wanted her but of course she set her eyes on Dylan Conners, I once heard he hired people to actually do his homework because he was too lazy.

Alex Knight his best friend was no better, maybe even worse.

I looked over where they were sitting and Dylan was obnoxiously throwing his food at Alex while Alex's girlfriend Rachel Smith was sucking on his neck. I rolled my eyes in disgust.

 Katie followed my gaze. "Ah yes. Typical Rachel Smith making a complete idiot out of herself as usual. What does he even see in her?" Katie questioned. I shrugged. "They make a perfect match honestly, they're both gorgeous and they're terrible human beings" I laughed.

Alex was always a jerk as long as I could remember. He dated girls a little too frequently and loved messing with people who he thought were beneath him. Dylan and Rachel were no different than him and that's why Katie deserved better.

"I know that look. You're judging Dylan again" she gave me a big frown. She knew I thought Dylan was a fucking prick but because she and Dylan had one conversation two months ago about their dreams or whatever she's convinced he's actually a great guy that one else can see but her.

I shrugged. "Yeah but you never seem to listen to my advice anyways so why bother?" as soon as I said that the bell rang to go to 5th period, lunch was finally over. We quickly packed up our things and headed over to our next classes.

"Oh hey do you want to come to my house today? We don't have school tomorrow so I figured we could watch a movie" she popped her gum. I thought for a second but remembered.

I shook my head. "Sorry Kate but tomorrow is my follow-up care appointment . My parents want us to have a family dinner tonight before tomorrow, you know how it is every year." I smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Of course, I'm sorry I even mentioned it, I guess I already forgot Anna" She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. It was hard to believe I was on remission for five years now.

There were days I would even forget that time even existed. But it did. I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia when I was ten years old, and I was on remission a little after I turned twelve. It was a scary time for me and my family, my mom cried a lot. Chemotherapy was brutal, all my friends disappeared except for Kate. She stood by my side everyday making sure I was okay, she knew I'd be cured.

"Don't even worry about it! But I'll call you tomorrow after we leave the hospital, and don't worry everything will be okay." I pulled her in for a tight hug. My family and Katie would get scared around this time, worrying it might come back. But in my heart I knew I had beaten cancer and I was going to live for a long time.

She smiled. "Okay but don't forget. And don't forget were going winter formal shopping on Saturday! Dates or no dates were still going!" She waved off. I rolled my eyes and walked in my french class.


Before I headed home I went to the nurse to use the restroom. Public restrooms freaked me out, it reminded me when I was sick and going to school I would always hide in the stalls during lunch or break time until my mom picked me up. I never wanted anyone to see me so sick. "Hey Mrs. Ross I'm just going to use the restroom" I waved.

She smiled. "Okay but you'll have to wait, Alex is in there" I sat down and waited. Finally a few minutes later the door opened and I looked up to see Alex Knight.

I blinked a few times to make sure it was him. It was strange seeing him use the nurse's restroom, I came in at least once a day but I had never seen him.

We made eye contact but he quickly looked away. "Uh thanks Mrs Ross, I appreciate letting me use it" he said to the nurse. She nodded. "Of course Alex!  Did you finally stop that nose bleed?" I looked at him again. His nose was a little red, probably from trying to clean himself up.

"Yeah no worries, one of the guys just hit me too hard I guess, see ya" he looked at me again but before I could say anything he grabbed his backpack and left. I opened the restroom and quickly went inside.

A few minutes later I was driving home but I couldn't help but think of Alex. He really was gorgeous, he had silk blonde hair and pretty sky blue eyes. But it was the look that he gave me was what bothered me.

The look in desperate need of help.


End of Chapter One

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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