How did he know?

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3 years later...

I give a loud scream as I snap another dagger out of my belt and throw it as hard as I can. It sinks deep into the tree trunk I'd been aiming at. I start jumping up and down in excitement, happiness coursing through me.
"See, Mr. Morningstar?! I told you I could do it!"
"So you did," he growls, pacing towards me.
I stand there, holding my ground even though I'm terrified. He scans my body over, his beautiful black eyes running over me from head to toe. I shiver with discomfort.
"You did well child. You can go. Go spend the rest of your night relaxing."
"Y-yes! Thank you!"
Without wasting any time, I take off running through the woods. It's been 3 years since I met Mr. Morningstar. I still don't believe he's really lucifer. He can't be...that would mean I'm related to the devil. It can't be a coincidence that my last name is Morningstar as well. I was terrified at first of course, as any normal person would be, but after I found out I couldn't control my going there in my dreams....well, I learned to accept it. Soon after, I started training with Mr. Morningstar. He taught me how to fight and defend myself against the strange beings (he calls them demons) in this world and the humans in the physical world. It freaks me out that he calls this place hell. He says he's the ruler of it all and that if he wanted to, he could take me. Right here, right now. But whatever. When I stop running, I notice I'm back at the overhang where I first met him. I sit down on the edge of the rock, looking out at the waterfall that sits on the other side of the beautiful Canyon. I sweep my waist length straight black hair off my neck and effortlessly put it up in a ponytail on top of my head.
"Ya know, you really should be more alert. Seeing as you're in hell and all."
I quickly whip my body into a standing position and yank one of my precious daggers out of its sheath. Standing there only 30 feet away from me is a boy. The first thing that hits me is his skin. It's so pale it's almost transparent. Then the rest of his features sink in. He has black hair. I mean fucking BLACK hair. He has silver eyes that seem to be able to see straight through me. He's beautiful. He looks to be about my age. But there's a difference between us. He has scars on every inch of skin that isn't covered by his gear. He looks battle hardened. Me? Yeah, compared to him, I look like a teddy bear. A short, understuffed teddy bear.
"Who the hell are you," I growl, trying to hide my fear.
The boy just laughs.
"Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. My names Alex. Yours?"
"Regan," I say, slowly lowering my weapon and sheathing it.
"You should look at your watch, Regan," he whispers.
I obey and notice it's 5:30 am in the human world.

"Who was that boy...?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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