the cutts!

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okay my name is Kaylee and I'm just another girl in the hallways of lbjh well I could be bitchy when I wanted but at times I just wanted to die let's Being to talk about the cutts my head keep saying why why why Kaylee will school was hard being called fat every day as I kept saying to myself as I walk to my math class I sat in the every back of the room I sat by a boy named kayden he was cool kayden was an emo boy he
had black hair and I fell into his blue eyes and he was wearing red skinny jeans and a grey band teeshirt man he looked sexy I wanted to walk up to him and just kiss him .but he was an ass to me when class started and I got my books out and I stared to fall asleep kayden was looking at me when I glanced back at him I seen him looking at me

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