Eddsworld x Reader

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My first Eddsworld fanfic. :) sorry if its bad. This one is basically Tom, Matt and Edd x the reader so.

    Your name is (Y/N). Right now you are roommates with Edd and his friends. You met Edd once at the grocery store and became friends ever since. But now you see, you have these neighbors and they are the worst. They like to pick on you guys for no reason. But Eduardo. He's the worst one. You get really uncomfortable around him. He likes to stare at you and not say anything. You can never tell what his eyes are saying.

    Fast forward to today. It's like no other, both house holds are outside arguing with one another with you trying to stop it. "Guys!! Stop fighting!" You shout. Not like it mattered, they were all shouting at one another. Mainly Edd and Eduardo. Fed up, you stomped up between them, putting one hand on there others chest and shoving them apart. "Enough!! I've had it up to here with you two! Yelling, fighting, trying to one up the other. Please. Just stop before I have an aneurysm." Edd just huffs and looks down, ashamed to have been yelled at by you. Eduardo just stared then looked down at the hand you still had on his chest. He looked back up at you and just smirked. You grimaced and retracted your hand. You looked back at your boys and asked "Can we just go back inside please?" "Fine" "Yeah" "Okay" Tom, Matt and Edd said in unison. "Thank you" You turned to the neighbors and saw Mark and Jon going back into their houses but Eduardo was still there smirking at you. He leaned one arm on the fence then said "Hey~ How's about you and me go out sometime?" You just kinda scowled at him but before you could respond, Edd had spoken up "As if! Like she'd go out with YOU!" Edd then grabbed your wrist and pulled you back inside, Tom and Matt following suite.

    "What was that about Edd?" You asked him. You were genuinely curious. "What do you mean? He was clearly flirting. I don't want you to end up with someone like him. He's terrible." "Yeah (Y/N), he probably wouldn't treat you right." Matt had piped in. "Awwww are you guys looking out for me? How sweet." Matt and Edd had blushed. They couldn't deny it.

    Time skip to the next morning, you're the first to wake up. You go downstairs to make breakfast for the boys and yourself but come to find, most of the stuff you needed was gone. With a sigh, you get ready to go out to the store. It's near by, 10 min walk at most. After finishing up, you head outside and start your walk. You don't mind in the end. It's a lovely day out. Clear sky, hardly any clouds in sight, but it's not hot either. Perfect. Gives you time to think to yourself not being in that Zoo you call home. 10 minutes pass and your at the local store. Grabbing a basket, you wander through collecting all your breakfast items. Pancake mix, bacon, loaf of bread, cola. That's about all you needed. But you decided to treat yourself. Walking to the back of the store you looked through the assortment of snacks. But before you could make your pick, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turn around but you were interrupted by said person putting their arms around your shoulder. You jumped, but you realized it was Eduardo. You mentally face-palm. The reaction you get often seeing his face. "Hey doll. So how's about that date?" Prying off his arm, you turn back to the snacks. "Look, Eduardo. I'm not interested. And never will be. Sorry. I don't date people who bully my friends." All of a sudden, you're pulled back against his chest, his head resting on your shoulder, nuzzling into your neck. "C'mooon. It'll be fun." You tensed up, feeling his hand trail up from your waist. "Hey! Lay off" You whisper yell. You both hear someone entering the aisle so he let's go completely. Taking your chance, you speed walk to the front, forgetting about getting yourself something. Even though you totally deserve one. After paying, you take off back to your house, almost going into a sprint. You had adrenaline in you and just wanted to be home.

    Once home, you put the groceries away and start making breakfast. You just really want to take your mind off of what happened. What even happened? Did Eduardo have a crush on you, or was he just after your body. Cause that was nearly sexual harassment. "Hey whatcha making?" You jumped dropping the bowl in your hands. It shattered, pieces of glass flying everywhere. You turned to the voice eyes wide from shock. It was Tom. "Holy shit. My bad. Didn't mean to scare you." "Ah I'm sorry. I broke the bowl." You crouched down to pick up the mess but Tom raised his voice a bit- "woah hey let me do it. You'll cut yourself." "But I dropped it-" "Just let me get it" You stand up and step away from the mess mumbling, "sorry...." "Hey don't worry about it. I'm the one who scared you." "What's the commotion?" Matt spoke up, coming down the stairs. "(Y/N) dropped a bowl after I scared her." " Oh dear, you okay (Y/N)?" "I'm fine Matt, don't worry about it. Let me get back to making our breakfast."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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