Traffic Trio Headcanons!

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[For those who don't know, 'Traffic Trio' is the official name of Dylan, Bryan and Adrien!]


-Adrien definitely brings extra childhood photos on the nightshift to show Bryan's animatronics.

-They get flashbacks when talking to Bryan and Dylan about certain subjects.

-How many places do you think they have broken into for information on their dad?

-I feel like Adrien joined Fazbears because they knew how much Bryan wanted to be like his dad, and just got lucky.

-When Adrien was a kid, they would get really nervous and just cling onto Bryan since he was taller.

-Adrien made friendship bracelets with Fylan and Steve, and later on Dylan and Bryan.


-Bryan was always a prankster, as proven by Adrien, so what if he pranked everyone, including Jon, that he was an 'innocent' and 'soft' man, when in actuality he could gaslight everyone and lift a six-wheeler if he wanted.

-And yes, I headcanon Bryan as a buff boi.

-He secretly wanted to turn the endgame of the first pizzaria into a horror attraction, but decided against it when Molten came back.

-When the Twisteds first showed up, they would go into Bryan's office during opening hours (so he had nowhere to run) to try and get information. They would later end up coming to with a routine of them going to his office and playing card games (Poker, Blackjack, Uno, etc.), hell, even Glitchtrap would sometimes take over Twisted Bonnie just to play himself.

-He used to be a gymnastics champion for years, so he is fucking flexible.

-His animatronics kept joking about how "Bryan should have a girlfriend by now!", since he didn't tell them he was Gay, so one day he (and Jon) finally fucking snaps, here is how I believe it would have gone (Might turn into Oneshot, but you can use it too):

Bryan - *Slowly losing his mind*

Animatronics - *Joke about him needing a gf*

Jon - Why would he need a girlfriend?! he doesn't even like women!!

Animatronics - *They were too stunned to speak*

-Bryan has so much blackmail from people trusting him and his "naive" nature

-Bryan still has most of his scars from the first two locations, the larger ones were stitched back by Lefty, and the smaller ones by Helpy.

-Bryan is definitely the dominant one in his and Dr.Vendi's relationship, yk like flirting and other romantic spicy junk (Still family friendly though-)

-Bryan is the one Dylans animatronics call whenever Dylan is having a breakdown or over-working himself.

-He liked his dad more (we all do, the three of them have shitty moms), so whenever he was at Annas place, because of the whole shared custody thing, he would prank her relentlessly. first, he started off small, such as misplacing items, to putting dye in her shampoo bottles. His dad would always laugh about it and give him more ideas and prank supplies.

-Bryan and King have met before and are good friends, but I will explain this when I do AUs.


-He still has the wound from when Red stabbed him.

-He has gone into a breakdown only to find himself waking up in Bryans arms, his brother brushing through his hair with his fingers, held against Bryans chest, hearing his heartbeat as he hums a tune.

-When Dylan was in high school, he would frequently cut himself with a thick blade, Pluto only realized when Dylan passed out during Gym and they took off his jacket, because heatstroke is a thing kids (I should know-).

-Dylan isn't used to eating a lot of food, which is why Pluto gets him a cupcake for his birthday instead of a full cake.

-Dylan starts to cut himself when things get to stressful, the animatronics found this out when they saw Dylan crying against M&M with his sleeves all bloody.

-Dylan doesn't think Fylan actually sees him as his dad, and is always shocked when Fylan gets him things for fathers day.

-He definitely threatened Dr.Vendi when he found out he liked Bryan.

-He has emotionally adopted Damien, don't test me on this.

-Mans has accidentally called M&M dad on multiple occasions.

-His eyes glow in the dark.

All three!!

-Bryan and Dylan are tempted to just make an animatronic version of Adrien [yes this is a stolen idea, but I love it too much to care].

-Bryan definitely flexes the fact that hes the only one with a partner and mocks the other two as much as he can. 

-Don't worry though, they still mock him about "The fact the animatronic him that has only been around for two-three years got a boyfriend before him." it humbles him real quick.

-They all have black painted nails.

-They all agree that therapy is for the weak-minded and have to get physically restrained and gagged by the animatronics in order to have therapy sessions [with an animatronic though, they can't trust humans with company secrets].

-Bryan has a high alcohol tolerance because of stress drinking, so he has way more blackmail on the other two and will not hesitate to show others should they ask.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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