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Kamol was grateful… Life was good for him… he had a lover who was meeting his needs and matching his tendencies… his house became a home and for the first time in his life he has someone to come back to.

and heck it was not a smooth sail most of the time but he was willing to take that..

Cherry, Danai…. and Now Ivan…. Smooth Sail his ass..

The thing that has been bothering him and his company lately was the rising of a new gang in the city… they seem to be some thugs who got kicked out from his company and others

they have no respect whatsoever… and they seem to be hell bent on wreaking havoc..

So far they were steering clear of Kamol… but Kamol is smart enough to know that it's just the calm before the storm.. and soon enough he would have to go head to head with them in order to put them back in their place if not annihilate them all together..

He was trying so hard not to take his worry back home with him… no need to make Kim worry about something he has no hand in.. not for the lack of brain… but his lovely Kim should be spoiled more than left to marinate in worrying about Kamol…

he still remembers what Kim told him when he said that there’s nothing certain in life

“I don’t want you to get hurt … not even a scratch”

Pretty endearing and still sets Kamol’s heart on fire every time he thinks about it…

His Kim deserves to be safe and safe he will be… even if Kamol has to burn the city..


They have managed to establish a routine that works for everyone… keeps Kamol’s peace of mind and lets Kim be as free as possible…

Kim has to always have some security detail on him…. regardless if it was his office or some outside meeting or whatsoever…

and Kamol usually goes back home in time to have lunch with him even if he has other appointments later in the day… he grew to cherish the time they spent together…

Baiboon was slowly becoming a fixed fixture into their routine as well.. Kim doted on him… took him to school a couple times a week, helped him with his homework and took him out when Kamol was extremely busy or abroad.


Despite Kamol’s worry that the whole new gang situation was kinda shifting toward being a sore spot…  he was determined not to suffocate Kim… he quietly ordered his men to be extra careful without anything being noticed to be out of ordinary…

There was always a driver with whoever was with Kim, because that gave him more people on him… there was always someone undercover if Kim were to be out of the office…

some changes here and there but they were supposed to keep Kim safe… because the alternatives included Kim not going anywhere and Kamol feeding those thugs to his tigers and getting over with the whole ordeal.

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