|ChinguYeon And MamaSoo|

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It has been days since their last promotion when Minnie and Yuqi decided to show Soyeon the song they created named I'm The Trend.

Soyeon hummed in surprised as she looks at the two foreign lines and nodded.

"Sounds good, this is good."

The two celebrated as the short girl looked away, she noticed that the pale girl has been going out a lot either with Sana or Minnie.

But in the end Shuhua would say they were just friends, but it doesn't seem like it as the two were touchy with her maknae.

She went out the room as Minnie and Yuqi decided to talk to each other.

"Min Unnie, I'm planning to do something."

Minnie looked at Yuqi with raised eyebrows.

"I'm planning on making Soyeon Unnie my girlfriend, I'll ask her later if she'll say yes."

"And if she don't?"

"I'll still take my chances, there's no way my effort go unnoticed."

Minnie sighed as she nodded, she couldn't do anything but watch as the girl she admires began to tell her about her plan to ask Soyeon to be her girlfriend.

She bit her lip as she widens her eyes trying to blink her tears away, smiling through the pain as she sent Yuqi a fake smile that the Beijing girl didn't even noticed.

"Wow! Nice plan, when are you going to do it?"

"After I'm The Trend, I'll ask her."

Yuqi grinned as she left the room bidding Minnie goodbye.

The Thais smile fell as she looked down on the floor, the tears she has been holding fell as she grabbed her phone and contacted Miyeon.



Minnie couldn't help but let out a small choked up sob as she tried so hard not to choke up in her tears.

Miyeon who heard it told Soojin she'll be back as she began to get ready.

"Wait for me there, Chingu."

Soojin looked down on her palms, a fast beating heart she has been feeling.

She doesn't know why but, it felt like something bad will happen.

Shaking the feeling away, she looked at the front door to see Shuhua with a radiant beaming smile as she greeted her favorite Unnie.

Soojin smiled, a warm feeling spreads through her chest seeing her maknae so happy.

She doesn't want that smile to fade, the cherry doesn't want Shuhua to get hurt or worse cry for the wrong person.

"Have you had fun with Sana Unnie."

Soojin cooed as she hugs the pale girl who hugged back and giggled nodding happily.

"Sana Unnie bought the dog food, where haku and mata?"


The two dogs went to Shuhua jumping on her knees as they bark happily, this sight alone made Soojin tear up and place her hand on her chest.

A sight so beautiful, she wants too keep it on a polaroid or a jar.

Soojin though for a while, she wants to spend time with Shuhua.

So she began to pack food as they'll go to a picnic at the private park, she told Shuhua to get ready and wear comfortable clothes and some food for the dogs.

Shuhua nods and skips to her room.

Soojin received a message from their leader saying a new song will be produced by Minnie and Yuqi, she wants everyone to be ready for another upcoming project.

The cherry didn't knew why but seeing the name Soyeon and Yuqi at the same sentence have made her feel... Nervous.

A feeling that something bad will happen, she knows what's happening between the two.

But why does it feel so... Weird?

It's so... Confusing.

It made her feel... Anger, sadness...


Her instincts of being an overprotective mother to Shuhua rose up everytime Soyeon is near the pale girl.

She wants to push Soyeon away from the pale girl, but how can she?

She's too kind for that...

Soojin is nice, but it doesn't mean she's not a person.

She can also be mad to the point she just smiles and cries at the same time.

"Eh? Why do I feel like Soyeon's up to no good sooner..."

Soojin shook her head and let's her thoughts go away as she focused on the picnic she's planning.

They will enjoy with the dogs that's for sure.

AN: easy first, then we'll go to crying

AN: easy first, then we'll go to crying

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