Prologue: Knife Edge

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Andross Oikonny, a once brilliant scientist who became mad with power. Exiled to the planet Venom for his illegal and dangerous experiments, the mad ape took control of the government and declared himself Emperor. Several years later, Andross plunged Lylat into a system wide war.

Thanks to the efforts of a brave team of mercenary pilots known as Star Fox, Andross finally met his end. But his mad dream did not die with him.

Remnants of the Venomian Imperial Army were still scattered across the Lylat system. Some of them gathered under the leadership of the Emperor's nephew, Andrew Oikonny. But due to his incompetent leadership, the people of Lylat began to see the Venomian Remnant as little more than a nuisance.

What they did not know was that a far greater threat lurked in the shadows.

In Lylat's outer fringe, a cabal of Venomian officers gathered their forces and began plotting revenge against Corneria. Their leader was Marshal Kalman Koates, one of Andross' most skilled commanders.

As Lylat weathered the chaos of the Aparoid Invasion, Marshal Koates' forces took the opportunity to install a friendly government on Eladard. From there, they set their sights on Kew.

Despite the best efforts of Star Fox and their rivals, the Star Wolf team, the Venomian Remnant was successful in their endeavor.

Six months have passed since the events on Kew. But despite a joint manhunt between the remaining free worlds of Lylat, there has been no sign of Marshal Koates or any of his associates.

Meanwhile, on Koates' homeworld of Katina, a civil war rages, the result of a failed coup.

The arid planet has become a proxy battleground, with Corneria and the other free worlds backing the Katinese government, and the Venomian Remnant, and their Kewian and Eladardian allies backing the rebels, led by General Alberto Viola, an old colleague of Marshal Koates.

Above all else, one thing is clear to the denizens of Lylat; The star system stands on the brink of another war, one that may very well be more terrible than the last.

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