A Nudge in the Right Direction

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"Y/n are you going to help with this project or stare at Tadashi all day? I'm not burning my thumbs again because you can't tear you eyes away from a boy you deny to have a crush on". Y/n scratched the back of their neck and hurriedly helped Noelani solder the wires for their project they were working on. Noelani was a great friend but she didn't thank for her fingers being burnt after five occasions in the same week.

Y/n pov:

I helped Noelani by soldering the red wires together minding my fingers as I worked now focused. Through I had jumped at something that had come whizzing to life again, Noelani had its target as the hovering robot chased her around the lab until she caught it and switched it off and removed its batteries altogether, "I swear down it was dead and has been dead for two weeks".

I chuckled calming myself down "yeah it has been dead, freaky but it's scary because I made it" "the 'Noelani hunter', as fun as tag or chase can be I'd rather not have a concussion" I laugh then go back to my job. I accidentally solder my fingers as a familiar voice asks if we have any solar battery plans he could borrow to improve a robot he was making.

I shake my hand and keep blowing on it in hopes to cool it down. "Karma is a bitch, but here's a cool cloth to help" Noelani said with a smug grin but Tadashi looked worriedly over at me. "She's going be fine, I've done it five times this week" "Noelani it's only Thursday, have you been to the hospital? It's a serious wound to have" he stressed. "I don't have the time, I look after my poorly Dad at home when I'm done with school" she sighed then handed over some drawings "hope these help anyways" she'd gone to the other side of the lab and worked on delicate circuit boards for the bot.

I gave him a small smile, "I know you mean well but it's just a sore topic at the moment but thank you" I whisper. Noelani doesn't mean to be so closed off but, there was little anyone could do to help her, not that I could think of yet. I would help her when I had a solution or something at least, she had been there for me when I needed someone so I would find away to help her back.

"Y/n your hair is very nice today" he said scratching the back of his neck and hiding under the bill of his cap a bit. "You're dressed very nicely today as well, and thank you" I said flattered, then we shared an awkward gaze before he left.

Though as he did he walked into the glass door, the thud had activated another bot that Noelani caught with one hand and switched off just as quickly. "Tadashi I wasn't aware you were a bird" "me neither Noelani, thanks" "anytime" she giggled swizzling back round on her seat. I giggled too which made him blush and he swiftly left and waved to me, I waved back.

I sit next to Noelani and help her with wiring the circuit boards, which is a task for a steady hand and good eyes. Noelani had her glasses on to focus, "so you not going to ask him out still?" "I might actually, but I wanted to make sure that my bestie was okay too".

Noelani stopped working and sighed, "he's in the hospital now, he's fading away but he despises me". She said taking off her glasses with a sullen look on her face, I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Why? You looked after him for months" I say confused, it wasn't like she done anything bad, good student, responsible caregiver, law bider and much more. What could have made him despise her? I had to ask because it confused me to no end.

I suck in a breath feeling nervous to press, "what made him despise you?" "you know I'm into girls and prefer them to boys for dating? Well I told him and he threw his plate of fresh food I made for him at me calling me the worst slurs and he broke my heart so much, so I called the cops. They took him away and said that I would need to move out and find somewhere to live, I was wondering if you'd want to be flatmates". 

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